
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-12-26 17:43:05 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language









目前,《破晓传奇》还未公布续集计划,万代南梦宫在本月早些时候为《破晓传奇:Beyond the Dawn》申请了商标,推测其可能是一款衍生作品,大家敬请期待。

Concocting a game series that has been successful in the market is not an easy job. For games that have already been born from a successful franchise, the burden is at least not as heavy as games that are just trying to gain popularity. Games like this will usually gain attention solely because of the franchise’s old series, especially if it comes from a name with a strong community and great love. As soon as the latest series looks stunning? So success seems to come many times over, like what Bandai Namco achieved with Tales of Arise. Interestingly? It turned out that this success almost missed. In a recent interview with a Japanese publication, Tales of Arise producer – Yusuke Tomizawa and Director – Hirokazu Kagawa came with quite interesting information. Both admitted that early in the development process, Tales of Arise was not being developed as a Tales series at all. The game is simply named “Arise” and was planned as a new title to be developed by the team behind the Tales series. The reason? Because there were so many innovations and new things in the eyes of the team, it made it unsuitable to bear the name “Tales of” at the start. Arise was initially developed as a non-Tales of series. Tales of Arise itself is available on various platforms with its existence winning so many awards. How about you? Including gamers who agree that he bears the name Tales of or not? Source: NoisyPixel

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