頂著濃濃的黑眼圈with a pair of raccoon eyes
Dori used to suffer terribly from insomnia. Back then, she would often lose sleep for no reason. After such sleepless nights, she would show up to trade meetings with a pair of raccoon eyes.
帶來睡意lull her into sleep
Even the best doctors couldn't diagnose her properly. She burned one frankincense stick after another, and yet they did not lull her into sleep but into coughing fits instead.
就在這個時候,有一位路過的醫生對多莉說: 「聽說有人會在床頭放一個沙漏,聽著細沙落下的聲音入眠。」
It was at that moment that a doctor passed by and told Dori this: "I've heard that some people place an hourglass by their bedside. The sound of the falling sand helps them sleep."
Dori tried it for a few days and it didn't work. However, she was inspired by the failed attempt, ordering a large custom-made hourglass.
That which was in this hourglass was not sand, but shiny Mora.
That night, embraced by the music of jingling Mora, Dori slept soundly at last.
此後,多莉在「應對失眠」這件事上也算小有心得: 「睡飽飽的秘訣,在於讓自己心安。」
心安secure peace of mind
After that, Dori learned the trick to dealing with insomnia:
"To sleep well, you must first secure peace of mind."