【个人翻译】-《命运简史》Vol 1「忧愁之书 第1:5节」

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-24 09:08:04 作者:_Magpie Language


Needle and Worm


  • 我的秘密——
  • 萨托娜用我的密码刻成——
  • 右眼之复仇——
  1. 这一年的远航,这些电闪雷鸣的的夜晚和金色温暖的白天,无论是对古老的沉船的摸索,还是乘着风拼命逃离怪物:这是我一生中最快乐的时光。
  2. 我想成为育母,不是因为我想生育后代,而是因为我想长寿。生命长久到能有所作为。我们在海上已经一年了,我担心,担心我们会死在这里。
  3. 我知道去哪里找秘密。我知道那些有着长久记忆的巨大的缓慢的东西住在哪里。
  4. 针舰……

  • 针舰——
  • 萨托娜用我的密码刻成——
  • 一个骗子——
  1. 我们从舒武比大漩涡(Shvubi Maelstrom)里打捞到了针舰。我就知道它会在那里。
  2.  针舰是一艘灰色的船,像希望一样又长又细,像时间一样古老且牢不可破。甚至比死亡还要古老。在我们的祖先坠入源洋之前,它在大漩涡中翻滚。这不是一艘一般的海船,不像奥拉什的那种。这是高科技的产物。
  3. 我知道这艘船的用途。我也知道船员们发生了什么。
  4. 西罗想在物种聚集的卡哈尔环礁(Kaharn Atoll)出售这艘船。在拍卖会上,它能帮我们赚到足够的钱雇雇佣兵。我们可以夺回我们的锇宫然后把吃小孩的氦饮者扔进海里欣赏他们的惨叫——
  5. ——但我告诉西罗这艘船一文不值。
  6. 奥拉什想打开飞船,看看我们能不能驾驶它。我知道这样做是对的。我知道是因为我问过蠕虫…

  • 蠕虫——
  • 萨托娜用我的密码刻成——
  • 令人生畏——
  1. 这是我父亲的熟识者。我们逃跑的时候我从他身上扯下来的。它是一个死掉的白色的东西,被分成几段,从深海冲上来的。
  2. 它死了,但还能跟我说话。它说:仔细听着,哦,我的复仇……



Verse 1:5 Needle and Worm

  • My secrets—
  • Carved in my code by Sathona—
  • The right eye vengeance—
  1. This year of wild voyaging, these lightning nights and golden days, these forays into ancient wrecks and windblown flights from monsters: these are the happiest times of my life.
  2. I want to be a mother not because I want to spawn but because I want a long life. Long enough to make a difference. We have been at sea a year and I am afraid, afraid we will die out here.
  3. I know where to find secrets. I know where vast slow things with long memories live.
  4. The needle ship...

  • The needle ship—
  • Carved in my code by Sathona—
  • A liar—
  1. We salvaged the needle from the Shvubi Maelstrom. I knew it would be there.
  2. The needle is a gray ship, as long and slender as hope, as unbreakable as time, and old. Older than death. It tumbled through the maelstrom before our ancestors crashed into the Fundament. This is not a sea-ship, like Aurash's. It is an artifact of high technology.
  3. I know its purpose. I know what happened to the crew.
  4. Xi Ro wants to sell the ship at Kaharn Atoll, where species gather. At auction, it would earn us enough wealth to hire mercenaries. We could retake our Osmium Court and send the baby-eating Helium Drinkers screaming into the ocean—
  5. —but I told Xi Ro the ship was worthless.
  6. Aurash wants to open the ship and see if we can take command of it. I know this is the right thing to do. I know because I asked the worm...

  • The worm—
  • Carved in my code by Sathona—
  • Who should be afraid—
  1. It was my father's familiar. I ripped it from him as we fled. It is a dead white thing, segmented, washed up from the deep sea.
  2. It's dead, but it still speaks to me. It says: listen closely, oh vengeance mine...

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