What do you see in him?
Chinese New Year Short Film by Game Science

Game Science 游戏科学

我只要你,别抛弃,别放弃—I wanna be with you (Don't Get out)
"Vast Lands I ventured for you, unsure if I in vain,
Each Step not by chance,woven in destiny's chain.
Words of wisdom, seeking faith, oft skewed by doubting minds,
For kindred souls, my all I give, our fates shall soon entwine!''
-Chapter 8, Journey to the West

080号——“天命人” 8月份相见
1. See sth in sb/sth 看中、看上/觉得某人有趣
to find sb/sth attractive or interesting
例如:I know what she sees in him.
2. Reach for the sky, and you will catch the stars. 纵横四海,手到擒来
reach: 接触, catch the stars : 抓住星星 (这里形象表达出手可摘星的胆识与气魄)
3. Vast lands 广袤的土地
4. In Vain 徒劳无果/ 付诸东流
without success
例如: All the efforts were in vain. 所有努力都付诸东流。
5. Woven (Weave的过去分词) 编织;
Destiny's Chain 命运的链条 (形象的说法,形容紧密相连)
6. Chance 机会,机遇 By Chance 偶然; Not by chance 并非偶然
7. Faith 信念 Seek Faith 追寻信念
8. Skew /skjuː/ 曲解,影响准确性
Oft 即 Often (用在诗文当中,表示经常的意思)
Skew: to change or influence sth with the result that it is not accurate, fair, normal
例如:Don't skewed by what he had said.
9. Kindred souls 知音 ,与自己有相似兴趣、观点或情感的人,可以理解和支持彼此。
10. Entwine /ɪnˈtwaɪn/
be entwined (with sth) to be very closely involved or connected with sth
例如:Her destiny was entwined with his destiny. 她与他的命运紧密相联。
这里的Our Fate shall entwine 与上面的 Each Step is woven in destiny's chain 相照应
11. Unwavering Heart 痴心不改
Unwavering support 坚定不移的支持
Yet our unwavering heart, it will never change.

作为一名玩家 ,不用多想,只需要放平心态,静待花开~