
3樓貓 發佈時間:2024-07-20 06:10:28 作者:八荒韞玉 Language



這是 7 月 18 日星期四服務器維護時執行的 Hotfix 1.0.3 補丁。

■ 補丁日期和時間

- PDT 2024 年 7 月 18 日(星期四)00:00 - 04:00


■ 目標平臺

- Steam、Xbox Series X│S、Xbox One、PS4、PS5

■ 補丁詳情


(1) UI/UX

- 添加了關閉其他玩家效果(彈丸爆炸)的選項。

- 為了提高可見度,爆炸效果和“殘留器官”的持續時間已減少。

# 導演評論

隨著 Gley 的無限發射器構建變得流行,我們採取了臨時措施來解決爆炸效果嚴重擾亂遊戲的問題。目前,我們僅提供禁用其他玩家彈丸爆炸效果的選項,但我們計劃增強此功能以用於其他效果。

- 添加了系統消息以更輕鬆地檢查盟友的 DBNO 狀態,並在隊員 UI 中添加了額外措施。

- 減少了研究中經常使用的材料的研究完成視覺效果持續時間。

- 玩家報告菜單中添加了“離開鍵盤 (AFK)”。

# 總監評論

我們一直在密切關注 AFK 的最新趨勢,我們同意 AFK 妨礙了其他玩家的遊戲體驗。但是,我們認為在這個問題上需要謹慎處理。這是因為 AFK 判斷機制有時可以通過簡單的射擊或移動動作來繞過,並且 AFK 踢出系統可以用於其他目的。

首先,我們正在嘗試通過 AFK 報告瞭解 AFK 玩家的模式。通過這種方式,我們計劃收集在匹配中區分 AFK 玩家所需的信息,並在未來準備適當的措施。

我們正在考慮解決 AFK 問題的方法,以便每個人都能一起享受遊戲。在此期間,我們請您尊重其他玩家,如果您對此事有任何想法,請告訴我們。

- 已更新 UI,以便在任務列表中檢查已完成任務獲得的主要獎勵。

- 已添加一個功能,可直接在庫的目標部分查看獲取信息。

- 修復了從圖書館的目標物品移動到相應物品列表時滾動到頂部的問題。

- 在圖書館武器列表中添加了槍械類型和彈藥類型。

- 修復了加入虛空聚變反應堆的玩家在完成任務後即使沒有虛空碎片也可以使用重建裝置的問題。

- 完成獲得兩種虛空碎片的虛空碎片任務時,獲得的數量增加了約1.5倍。

- 虛空聚變反應堆任務工具提示已更新,以顯示虛空碎片的數量。

- 在虛空聚變反應堆任務工具提示中添加了鏈接非晶態材料。

- 虛空碎片屬性現在將直接顯示在地圖上。


我們發現並修復了一個問題,即一名隊員的“中止任務”系統被利用來反覆玩虛空聚變反應堆而不消耗任何碎片。在解決此故障的同時,我們還考慮了玩家可能訴諸於使用它的原因。我們意識到從碎片耕種到實際的虛空聚變反應堆任務的過渡非常不方便且繁瑣。因此,我們不僅修復了該錯誤,還增加了獲得的虛空碎片數量並改進了耕種過程以使其更加方便。請稍等片刻,因為我們將在即將於 8 月 1 日發佈的第 5 周更新中顯著改善碎片耕種路線。


- 可註冊的附加物品數量已更新為武器、反應堆和外部組件各 1,000 個。

(2) 後裔

- 終極兔兔“高壓”模塊的“刺激炸彈”和“閃電發射”現在將瞄準附近目標,而不是隨機目標。

- Yujin 的“重建血清”的“過敏”現在也適用於巨像。

- 終極兔兔“電荷”、“高壓”和兔兔“電凝”的音效已更改。

- 兔兔進化皮膚“快速覺醒者”的第二和第三階段進化條件中的“使用兔兔技能對敵人造成電擊”已刪除。

(3) 滲透行動

- 完成滲透行動後,您現在可以通過 ESC 菜單查看任務結果。

- 在滲透行動“堡壘 - 堡壘之心”中,摧毀鋼鐵之心的時間限制已刪除。

- 滲透行動‘要塞-隔離區’中的補給機器人位置已移至戰區,使補給子彈更加容易。

(4) 任務

- 有名怪物的免疫球位置將不再隨著怪物的移動或旋轉而改變。

- 白夜峽谷‘真理之眼’中出現的‘納澤斯特拉的替身’的有名免疫的連續球類型已更新。

(5) 戰場

- 困難難度下的掉落數量增加了約 1.5。

(6) 雜項

- 消耗品的堆疊上限已從 100 萬增加到 1 億。

- 更新了一些圖標圖像。

# 導演評論

《The First Descendant》的開發傾注了對各種掠奪射擊遊戲的深厚感情和尊重,我們非常重視有關其他類似遊戲的反饋。通過此修補程序,我們試圖體現“The First Descendant”的獨特身份。我們將繼續為該類型遊戲的粉絲改進遊戲。


- 修復了窗口模式下偶爾發生的內存洩漏。

- 修復了使用幀生成時發生的內存洩漏。

- 修復了使用 DLSS 幀生成打開庫存時暫時掉幀的問題。

- 修復了啟用 DLSS 幀生成或 FSR 幀生成時即使將附加選項更改為關閉也無法恢復幀限制的問題。


(1) UI/UX

- [俄語][西班牙語][葡萄牙語] 修復了武器傳送中材料數量文本被切斷的問題。

- 修復了滾動地圖 > 頂部庫通過獲取信息,然後使用 ESC 移動到屏幕時頂部菜單保留的問題。

- 修復了啟動特別行動時短暫顯示黑屏的問題。

- 為“代碼分析器”、“代碼破解器”和“核心材料”添加了符號效果。

- 修復了以“#”開頭的帳戶名稱不可見的問題。

(2) 後裔

- 修復了在完成 Bunny 任務中的“致我們心愛的女兒 Bunny”的專屬地下城後無法更改後裔的問題。

- 修復了 Bunny 在翻過箱子或牆壁時即使沒有移動距離也會使用閃電發射的問題。

# 導演評論

我們喜歡 Bunny 的快速奔跑,釋放電能來擊倒敵人。Bunny 是一位後裔,她的力量與她行進的距離成正比。然而,在角落裡打滾並使用她的技能並不是我們對她的期望,所以我們決定解決這個問題。


- 修復了使用凱爾的“超導推進器”落地時音效不間斷播放的問題。

- 修復了使用凱爾的“排斥衝刺”時充電動作重複的問題。

(3) 模塊

- 修復了“Arche Acceleration”模塊無法增加射彈的速度和距離的問題。

- 修復了 Ajax 的“Body Enhancement”模塊在移動到地圖後無法反映當前護盾中的最大護盾的問題。

- 修復了“Shoot Focus”模塊的槍械攻擊被應用為求和運算而不是乘法運算的問題。

- 修復了模塊增強後模塊列表滾動重置到頂部的問題。

(4) 任務

- 修復瞭如果進入 Vulgus Strategic Outpost 後立即殺死第一個怪物,則不會生成怪物的問題。

- 修復了在某些情況下無法啟動下一個任務的問題。

- 修復了在命名怪物的球體噱頭期間,球體在遠處會顫抖的問題。

- 修復了白夜峽谷孵化場“上孵化場”任務中創建的護盾被移除導致戰場無法改變的問題。

- 修復了白夜峽谷“要塞外圍”中即使沒有實際戰鬥也會生成怪物的問題。

# 導演評論


我們通過同時激活 4 個 Vulgus 資源存儲來保持生成率,但玩家閒置時怪物不會增加。奔跑、射擊並製造一些爆炸!更多的怪物將繼續出現。

(5) 戰場

- 修復了在困難難度下使用加密保險庫時,偶爾需要“代碼分析器”的問題。

- 修復了在序章的某個部分使用抓鉤時掉落導致您在下一個位置以任務未完成狀態重生的問題。

(6) 虛空攔截戰

- 修復了偶爾不會發生移除且在戰鬥中保持抓鉤的問題。

(7) 雜項

- 修復了購買同一產品的多個物品時無法收集物品的問題。

# 導演的補充評論

感謝您對我們的愛和關注,我們感受到了社區的活力。Hotfix 1.0.3 包含許多修復,我們希望這些修復能改善您的遊戲體驗。

最近,我們在社區中看到了一個視頻,其中通過模塊切換可以更快地擊敗巨像。如果我們有更多時間,我們本來希望在 Hotfix 1.0.3 中包含對此的修復,但不幸的是,它沒有包含在本次更新中。


最後但並非最不重要的一點是,我們計劃在下週跳過補丁,以便在 8 月 1 日進行即將到來的第 5 周更新。請期待 8 月 1 日的新後裔露娜和終極瓦爾比、新的攔截戰、新的終極武器、模塊、外部組件和皮膚。



Greetings, Descendants!


This is the Hotfix 1.0.3 patch carried out with the server maintenance on Thursday, July 18th.


■ Patch date and time

- PDT 07.18.2024 (Thu) 00:00 - 04:00


■ Target Platforms

- Steam, Xbox Series X│S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5


■ Patch Details


Content Improvements

(1) UI/UX

- An option has been added to turn off other players' effects (projectile explosion).

- In order to improve the visibility, the explosion effect and the duration of ‘Vestigial Organ’ have been reduced.

# Director's Comment

As Gley's infinite launcher build became popular, we took temporary measures to address an issue where the explosion effect was disrupting gameplay severely. Currently, we only provide the option to disable other players' projectile explosion effects, but we are planning to enhance this feature for other effects as well.

- A system message has been added to make it easier to check the DBNO status of allies, and an extra measure has been added to the party member UI.

- Reduced the research completion visual effect duration for materials frequently used in research.

- ‘Away from keyboard (AFK)’ has been added to the player report menu.

# Director's Comment

We have been keeping a close eye on recent trends regarding AFK, and we agree that AFK hinders the game play for other players. However, we believe that a cautious approach is required in this matter. This is because AFK judgment mechanisms can sometimes be bypassed with simple shooting or moving actions, and the AFK kick system can be exploited for other purposes.


First, we are trying to learn the patterns of AFK players with AFK reports. Through this, we plan to collect the information necessary to separate AFK players in matchmaking and prepare an appropriate measure in the future.


We are considering ways to resolve the AFK issue so that everyone can enjoy the game together. We ask you to respect other players in the meantime, and if you have an idea on this matter, please let us know.

- The UI has been updated so that major rewards obtained from quests that have already been cleared are checked in the quest list.

- A function has been added to view acquisition information directly in the target section of Library.

- Fixed an issue of scrolling to the top when moving from the target item of Library to the corresponding item list.

- Added Firearm types and Rounds types to the Library Weapon List.

- Fixed an issue where a player who joined the Void Fusion Reactor could use the Reconstructing Device even if there were no Void Shard after completing the mission.

- When completing a Void Fragment mission obtaining two types of Void Shard, the amount obtained has increased by approximately 1.5 times.

- Void Fusion Reactor mission tooltip has been updated to display the number of Void Shards.

- Added Linked Amorphous Material to Void Fusion Reactor mission tooltip.

- Void Shard attribute will now be displayed on the map directly.

# Director's Comment

We discovered and fixed an issue where a party member’s ‘Abort Mission’ system was being exploited to repeatedly play the Void Fusion Reactor without consuming any Shards. While addressing this glitch, we also considered why players might resort to using it. We realized that the transition from Shard farming to actual Void Fusion Reactor missions was quite inconvenient and tedious. Therefore, we not only fixed the bug but also increased the amount of Void Shards obtained and improved the farming process to make it more convenient. Please wait a little longer, as we will significantly improve the Fragment farming routes in the upcoming Week 5 update scheduled for August 1st.


The Dev Team will continue to learn and grow from your playing experiences. We will always listen to your valuable feedback and strive to provide a better gaming environment.

- The number of Attached Items that can be registered has been updated to 1,000 each for weapons, reactors, and external components.


(2) Descendants

- ‘Thrill Bomb’ and ‘Lightning Emission’ with the Ultimate Bunny ‘High-Voltage’ module will now target nearby targets rather than random targets.

- ‘Allergy’ of ‘Reconstruction Serum’ of Yujin now applies to Colossus as well.

- Ultimate Bunny ‘Electric Charge’, ‘High-Voltage’ and Bunny ‘Electric Condense’ sound effects have been changed.

- ‘Use Bunny's Skills to inflict Electrocution on enemies’ has been removed from the 2nd and 3rd stage evolution conditions of the bunny Evolving Skin ‘Speedy Awakened One’.


(3) Infiltration Operation

- You can now view mission results through the ESC menu after completing an Infiltration Operation.

- The time limit for destroying the Ironheart has been removed in the Infiltration Operation ‘Fortress – Heart of the Fortress’.

- The location of the supply droid in the Infiltration Operation ‘Fortress - Quarantine Zone’ has been moved to the battle zone, making it easier to supply bullets.


(4) Mission

- The position of immunity spheres of Named Monsters will not change anymore as the monsters move or rotate.

- The sequential sphere type of the Named Immunity of ‘Alternate Hand of Nazeistra’ that appears in White-night Gulch ‘Eye of Truth’ has been updated.


(5) Field

- The drop quantity on Hard difficulty has been increased by approximately 1.5.


(6) Miscellaneous

- The stack limit for consumable items has been increased from 1 million to 100 million.

- Updated some icon images. 

# Director's Comment

The First Descendant has been developed with deep affection and respect for various looter shooters, and we take feedback regarding other similar games very seriously. Through this hotfix, we are trying to reflect the unique identity of ‘The First Descendant’. We will continue to improve the game for the fans of the genre.


Optimization Improvements

- Fixed the memory leak that occurred intermittently in windowed mode.

- Fixed the memory leak when using Frame Generation.

- Fixed the issue of temporary frame drops when opening inventory with DLSS Frame Generation.

- Fixed an issue where frame limit was not restored even if additional options were changed to Off when DLSS Frame Generation or FSR Frame Generation is enabled.


Bug Fixes

(1) UI/UX

- [Russian][Spanish][Portuguese] Fixed an issue where the material quantity text was cut off in Weapon Transmission.

- Fixed an issue where the top menu remained when Scroll Map > Top Library through Acquisition Information, and then moving to the screen with ESC.

- Fixed an issue where a black screen was briefly displayed when starting Special Operation.

- Symbol effects have been added for ‘Code Analyzer’, ‘Code Breaker’, and ‘Core Material’ dropped.

- Fixed an issue where account names starting with ‘#’ were not visible.


(2) Descendants

- Fixed an issue where the Descendant couldn't be changed after completing the exclusive dungeon of the quest ‘To Bunny, Our Beloved Daughter’ in the Bunny quests.

- Fixed an issue where Bunny's Lightning Emission was used even if there was no moving distance when rolling over a box or wall.

# Director's Comment

We love how Bunny runs fast, unleashes electric energy to take down her enemies. Bunny is a Descendant who gains her power in proportion to the distance she travels. However, rolling around in a corner and using her skills was not what we expected from her, so we decided to fix this.


Additionally, we are detecting the use of various macros and unauthorized programs through our monitoring system, including the rolling in place macro. We are currently taking actions against macros and unauthorized programs, and will continue to strive to create a more enjoyable gaming environment for everyone.

- Fixed an issue where sound effect was not played intermittently when landing on the floor with Kyle's ‘Superconductivity Thrusters’.

- Fixed an issue where the charging motion was repeated with Kyle’s ‘Repulsion Dash’.


(3) Modules

- Fixed an issue where the ‘Arche Acceleration’ module did not increase the speed and distance of projectiles.

- Fixed an issue where Ajax’s ‘Body Enhancement’ module did not reflect the max shield in the current shield after moving to the map.

- Fixed an issue where the Firearm ATK of the ‘Shoot Focus’ module was applied as a sum operation and not as a multiplication operation.

- Fixed an issue where the module list scroll was reset to the top after Module Enhancement.


(4) Mission

- Fixed an issue where monsters would not spawn if the first monsters spawned upon entering the Vulgus Strategic Outpost were immediately killed.

- Fixed an issue where the next quest could not be started under certain circumstances.

- Fixed an issue where the sphere would tremble when it was far away during the Named Monster's sphere gimmick.

- Fixed an issue that prevented field change by removing the shield created during the ‘Upper Hatchery’ mission in the White-night Gulch Hatchery.

- Fixed an issue where monsters would spawn even without an actual battle in the White-night Gulch ‘Fortress Outskirts’.

# Director's Comment

The Fortress Outskirts have become a popular farming area, with many monsters pouring in from the beginning of launch. We love the ‘run and kill’ play and believe running, shooting, and bursting are the fundamental aspects of a looter shooter. However, using the terrain to exploit and gather monsters without any action was not what we intended. If everyone simply stood still and hunted, the game's enjoyment would quickly diminish. Therefore, we decided to make a change.


We maintained the spawn rate by keeping the 4 Vulgus Resource Storages active simultaneously, but monsters will not increase when players are idle. Run, shoot, and create some explosions! Many more monsters will continue to appear.


(5) Field

- Fixed an issue where ‘Code Analyzer’ was intermittently required when working with the Encrypted Vault in the Hard difficulty.

- Fixed an issue where falling while using a grappling hook in a certain section of the prologue caused you to spawn at the next location with the Mission Unfinished status.


(6) Void Intercept Battle

- Fixed an issue where the Removal did not happen intermittently and the grappling hook was maintained during a battle.


(7) Miscellaneous

- Fixed an issue where items were not collected when purchasing multiple items of the same product.


# Director's Additional Comment

Thanks to the love and interest that you have shown us, we feel the brimming energy of the community. Hotfix 1.0.3 includes many fixes, which we hope will improve your gaming experience.


Recently, we saw a video in the community where the Colossus was defeated more quickly through module switching. If we had a bit more time, we would have liked to include a fix for this in Hotfix 1.0.3, but unfortunately, it didn't make it into this update.

The Dev Team does not want module switching to become another strategy. This method makes combat tedious and does not fit well with the run-and-gun playstyle. The Dev Team wants skills, weapons, modules, and external components to be part of the strategy. We hope that in-depth build research will progress, but strategies requiring inconvenient control are not what the development team aims for.


Last but not least, we are planning to skip the patch next week for the upcoming 5th week update on August 1st. Please look forward to the new Descendant Luna and Ultimate Valby, new intercept battles, new ultimate weapons, modules, external components, and skins on August 1st.


Thank you.


© 2022 3樓貓 下載APP 站點地圖 廣告合作:asmrly666@gmail.com