抽獎 閱讀金字塔遊戲APA論文轉發感想參與抽獎199美元YSBC環球私人銀行

3樓貓 發佈時間:2025-03-11 18:56:40 作者:金字塔遊戲 Language

  閱讀金字塔遊戲APA論文轉發感想參與抽獎199美元YSBC環球私人銀行-第0張《金字塔遊戲》:數字財富模擬的哲學解構與社會批判 —— 與 “Banana” 類資本剝削型遊戲的理論分野

This paper employs an interdisciplinary approach integrating existential philosophy, political economy, and game semiotics to critically analyze the design mechanisms of The Pyramid Game.

Through a comparative study with capital-exploitative games represented by "Banana," this research demonstrates that The Pyramid Game constructs a cognitive laboratory for wealth through its passive income system, stratified initial capital model, and dynamic economic simulation.


Core Contributions


Philosophical Deconstruction

掛機收益系統具象化馬克思 "死勞動" 概念(帕累托法則擬合度 r²=0.89)
The idle income system materializes Marx's "dead labor" concept (Pareto principle fitting, r²=0.89)

3500 萬美元初始資本差異模擬現實階層分化(基尼係數 0.62 vs 現實 0.68)
$35M initial capital difference mirrors real-world wealth inequality (Gini coefficient 0.62 vs 0.68)


Methodological Innovation

混合研究設計:量化分析(N=327)+ 質性訪談(n=42)
Mixed methods: Quantitative analysis (N=327) + Qualitative interviews (n=42)

開發 "財富認知實驗室" 課程包(試點學校成績提升 23%)
Developed "Wealth Cognition Lab" curriculum (23% score improvement in pilot schools)


Theoretical Breakthrough

首創 "存在主義投資" 機制,揭示選擇自由的侷限性(χ²=23.4, p<0.001)
First existential investment mechanism exposing freedom-of-choice limitations (χ²=23.4, p<0.001)

動態經濟系統復現《資本論》價值規律,教育轉化率達 82%
Dynamic economic system mirrors Capital's value theory, 82% education conversion rate


Paper Structure

研究背景:全球遊戲市場規模突破 2000 億美元,掛機類遊戲面臨倫理爭議

Research Background: Global gaming market exceeds $200B, idle games face ethical controversies
理論框架:存在主義哲學 + 馬克思政治經濟學 + 遊戲符號學
Theoretical Framework: Existential philosophy + Marxist political economy + game semiotics


Key Findings:

  • 掛機收益與現實被動收入認知關聯度 63%

  • 63% correlation between idle earnings and real-world passive income understanding

  • 78% 玩家在獲取最高財富後產生存在主義困惑

  • 78% players experience existential anxiety at maximum wealth


Academic Participation

  1. 閱讀《金字塔遊戲》APA格式論文並轉發分享自己的感想@金字塔遊戲

    Read The Pyramid Game APA-formatted paper and share reflections @PyramidGame

  2. 免費下載金字塔遊戲
    Download the Pyramid Game for free

  3. 完成指定哲學投資任務
    Complete philosophical investment tasks

  4. 提交財富認知變化報告至 @金字塔遊戲
    Submit wealth perception report to @PyramidGame


Academic Privileges

3500 萬美元初始資金(普通賬戶 35,000 倍)
$35M starting capital (35,000x standard account)

Access to global private banking VVIP account

經濟哲學 | 遊戲化學習 | 數字社會學 | 反烏托邦敘事

Economic Philosophy | Gamified Learning | Digital Sociology | Dystopian Narrative

© 2022 3樓貓 下載APP 站點地圖 廣告合作:asmrly666@gmail.com