
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-10-15 20:21:26 作者:动漫资讯BOT Language






Housed in a 3D articulated reversible sleeve, Psychonauts 2: The Motherlobe Edition includes a set of six double-sided art cards that showcase concept art and final graphics from the game. Also included are six high-quality die-cut stickers and a digital download code for unreleased material. “Anyone with a brain is going to want to get this version, and I’m not just saying that because I happen to have one. The teams at Double Fine and iam8bit worked really hard keeping Raz in mind as they developed the physical elements of this edition and incorporated all the things that fans loved about the game. And we even wanted to include you guys in our thought process and show unreleased material that is really special to preserve Raz’s legacy.” Tim Schafer, Founder of Double Fine Productions “Psychonauts 2” invites you to dive back into the spirit of the aspiring psychonaut Raz, who explores worlds and adventures with crazy characters and puts an end to an evil conspiracy.

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