The Divine Foresight, one of the Seven Arbiter-Generals. Although his appearance may be one of indolence, he is more meticulous than seemingly meets the eye.
*神策將軍 The Divine Foresight。divine的意思是神的,天賜的,英文釋義為coming from or connected with God or a god。Foresight的意思是先見之明,the ability to predict what is likely to happen and to use this to prepare for the future。相當於把神策翻譯為了神的先見之明~
*帝弓七天將 the Seven Arbiter-Generals。Arbiter是仲裁人,比如:
Timeisthe arbiteroffate.時間是命運的最終裁決者。
*懶散 indolence。景元是看起來懶散,而我是真的懶散。。。端午後努力更新吧。
*縝密 meticulous。meticulous是那種一絲不苟的意思(注意不是一絲不掛 naked),比如:
Hehasbeena meticulousmanager,amanagerpar excellence.
He does not consider saving a situation from the brink of disaster to be a show of wisdom, and is thus fastidious with routine affairs to avoid any potential problems.
*危局中力挽狂瀾 saving a situation from the brink of disaster。都是比較簡單的詞彙,注意brink是邊緣的意思。on the brink of collapse/war/death/disaster 瀕於崩潰╱戰爭╱死亡╱災難。
*在常事上十分下功夫 fastidious with routine affairs。fastidious 挑剔的,一絲不苟的。看來景元的特點就是一絲不苟。routine affairs 日常事務。
*以免節外生枝 avoid any potential problems。potential 潛在的,節外生枝比喻在原有問題之外又產生出新問題。
Due to his careful management, Xianzhou has enjoyed many years of peace, with Jing Yuan's seemingly lazy demeanor having earned him the moniker of the "Dozing General."
*謀劃 management。management其實是經營、管理的意思,英文釋義為the act of running and controlling a business or similar organization。可見相比於心海這種軍師,景元更像是在做企業管理。
*承平日久 enjoy many years of peace。這裡主要學了中文,承平日久~來自諺語 “承平日久,人不知兵”,意思是國家太平時間長了,人們就不知道打仗。
*行事慵懶 lazy demeanor。demeanor是行為舉止的意思,和behavior的區別是,behavior is acting to others,demeanor is more like body language。
*綽號 moniker。這個單詞在原神中也很常用啊,經常看到,但一下子舉不出例子。
*閉目將軍 Dozing General。doze是打盹,假寐的意思。蒲松齡的《狼三則》,好像是中學課本中,寫道:乃悟前狼假寐,蓋以誘敵。啊,這裡並沒有比喻景元是狼的意思。
divine 神的
foresight 先見之明
general 將軍
indolence 懶散
meticulous 一絲不苟
brink 邊緣
fastidious 一絲不苟
routine affairs 日常事務
management 經營;管理
demeanor 風格
moniker 綽號
doze 打盹