【命运2】命运故事《忧愁之书》— Verse 5:5 天启副歌

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-12-07 18:29:47 作者:Geneva Language

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【命运2】命运故事《忧愁之书》— Verse 5:5 天启副歌-第0张


This is our message to the things that we will kill.

A species which believes that a good existence can be invented through games of civilization and through laws of conduct is doomed by that belief. They will die in terror. The lawless and the ruthless will drag them down to die. The universe will erase their monuments.

But the one that sets out to understand the one true law and to perform worship of that law will by that decision gain control over their future. They will gain hope of ascendance and by their ruthlessness they will assist the universe in arriving at its perfect shape.

Only by eradicating from ourselves all clemency for the weak can we emulate and become that which endures forever. This is inevitable. The universe offers only one choice and it is between ruthlessness and extinction.

We stand against the fatal lie that a world built on laws of conduct may ever resist the action of the truly free. This is the slavery of the Traveler, the crime of creation, in which labor is wasted on the construction of false shapes.

If you choose to fight us, fight us with everything you have, with all your laws and games. We will prove our argument thus.

本文内容来源于《Destiny Grimoire Anthology》--Chapter 1《A Book Of Sorrow》(由于黑盒编辑没有斜体在此用中文书名符号标识)若想去阅读原文请移步至相关网站购买,本文由小黑盒用户Geneva独立翻译,转载请注明,若有争议请与我联系,感谢配合。


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