
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-30 16:13:47 作者:无眠英语ENG Language


As the leader of all Matra, General Mahamatra Cyno is well known to everyone in the Akademiya.


中止违禁研究terminate illegal studies

His duties are to arrest those who violate the Akademiya's rules and regulations,terminate illegal studies, and uphold discipline of the Akademiya. Nevertheless, researchers feel that this General Mahamatra does nothing but undermine academic progress and prohibit scientific research. Some even claim that he is "cutting off the path to knowledge" and can be seen as a dire threat to any researcher eager to seek knowledge...


退避shrink away from

Over time, researchers have come to shrink away from Cyno in silence whenever they so much as see him, wanting to have nothing to do with him.


But the General Mahamatra is hardly bothered by such things.



If this exaggerated public image can really deter some researchers, that will in no way be an inconvenience for his work.


Plus, in the words of that Forest Watcher friend of his,


"The research conducted by most researchers is nowhere significant enough to result in a talk with a Matra."



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