
3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-05-26 17:11:34 作者:無眠英語ENG Language




The wise and experienced former Anti-Entropy Sovereign who inherited the name of the world — Welt. He has saved Earth from annihilation time and time again.


*老成持重的 wise and experienced。wise是有智慧的,高明的;experienced 經驗豐富的。兩個詞加一起,也就是老成持重的。也可以用一些別的形容詞,比如prudent 謹慎的,reserved 內斂的,都挺符合他的人設。

*逆熵盟主 Anti-Entropy Sovereign。Entropy 熵,熱力學中表徵物質狀態的參量之一,用符號S表示,其物理意義是體系混亂程度的度量。Sovereign 君主,元首。常用的是國家主權的意思,比如捍衛國家主權safeguarding state sovereignty。

*繼承 inherit。比如 Inherit the legacy of a wealthy lady,繼承富婆遺產。

*「世界」world — Welt. Welt在德語中就是世界的意思。這麼說他的名字其實叫楊世界。

*滅亡 annihilation。前幾年有個電影就叫annihilation,中文翻譯為湮滅。

After the incident with St. Fountain came to a close, Welt had no choice but to venture with the initiator of the incident to the other side of the portal.


*聖方丹事件 incident with St. Fountain。關於事件,如果是不太好的,用incident,表示something that happens, especially sth unusual or unpleasant。如果只是事件,又是比較重要的事件,可以用event,表示a thing that happens, especially sth important。St.是Saint的縮寫,表示“聖”。方丹是Fountain的音譯,fountain大家熟悉的是噴泉的意思。原神的楓丹是法語Fontaine,也是噴泉的意思。

*被迫 have no choice but to。平時也可以用be forced to。

*始作俑者 initiator。

*星門 portal。portal常用的有兩個意思,一個是大門,一個是門戶網站。

Perhaps even he did not expect the new journey nor companions that awaited him there.


*未曾料到 not expect。


wise and experienced 老成持重

Entropy 熵

Sovereign 君主;國家主權

inherit 繼承

annihilation 湮滅

Fountain 噴泉

have no choice but to 被迫

initiator 始作俑者

portal 大門;門戶網站

not expect 未曾料到

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