
3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-07-12 11:10:07 作者:無眠英語ENG Language



A young girl raised by a robot. Her perceptiveness and tenacity are far beyond her years.

*通透 perceptiveness。perceptiveness是洞察力的意思,近義詞 insight、penetration。

*堅持 tenacity。tenacity給我的第一感覺就是韌性,其他中文表達還有頑強,毅力,堅毅等等。舉例:

Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.


*超越年齡 far beyond one's years. 學了新的表達,之前只會beyond age。


For Clara, Svarog's logical calculations are the laws of the world and are infallible.

*理性的 logical。logical作為形容詞,主要有兩種意思。① 合乎情理的,seeming natural, reasonable or sensible。②符合邏輯的,following or able to follow the rules of logic in which ideas or facts are based on other true ideas or facts。史瓦羅先生,一開始像第二種意思,最近的劇情他都開始學會哄小姑娘了,有點像第一種意思了。理性的,還有個翻譯是rational,和logical區別不大,個人感覺rational會稍微隨意一點。

*世界法則 laws of the world。世界法則通常大家想到的是universal law吧。

*不會出錯 infallible。英文含義為 never wrong; never making mistakes 永無過失的;一貫正確的。


That is, until she realizes that the results from the calculations don't always necessarily bring joy to everyone.

*帶給……幸福 bring joy to。

You'llenjoyhappinessyourselfas wellwhen youbringjoytotheothers.



The once shy little girl then decides to cast aside her timidness.

*怯生生的 shy。還有個單詞能表達這種怯生生,膽小害羞的感覺,timid。

*勇敢起來 cast aside timidness。cast aside 拋棄,丟棄;停止考慮或關心某人或某事,將其從心中或生活中去除。timidness是timid的名詞形式。


perceptiveness 洞察力

tenacity 堅韌

far beyond one's years 超越年齡

logical 合乎情理的;符合邏輯的

laws of the world 世界法則

infallible 不會出錯的

bring joy to 帶給……幸福

cast aside timidness 勇敢起來啊



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