原神|生日郵件英語(早柚 10月19日)~釣魚好難…

3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-11-23 13:35:08 作者:無眠英語ENG Language

原神|生日郵件英語(早柚 10月19日)~釣魚好難…-第0張


Help! Send help!

The Guuji suddenly decided to rear some ornamental fish and I volunteered for the fishing task so I could slack off on practice.

I thought all it took was to set up the fishing rod, then I could nap till the fish took the bait. I did have a great nap... but when I woke up, there were no fish and no bait! My day off will be ruined if I have nothing to show for the task...

I asked around and you might be the only one who can catch that sort of fish in a short period of time. This is urgent and I hope the letter reaches you quickly.

Both the bait and your lunch are ready, as for payment... I hope head pats count? Just don't pat me for too long! I will wait for you here... Zzz...


Help! Send help!


The Guuji suddenly decided to rear some ornamental fish and I volunteered for the fishing task so I could slack off on practice.


I thought all it took was to set up the fishing rod, then I could nap till the fish took the bait. I did have a great nap...


but when I woke up, there were no fish and no bait!


My day off will be ruined if I have nothing to show for the task...


I asked around and you might be the only one who can catch that sort of fish in a short period of time.


This is urgent and I hope the letter reaches you quickly.


Both the bait and your lunch are ready, as for payment...


I hope head pats count? Just don't pat me for too long! I will wait for you here... Zzz...

摸摸頭應該夠了吧?只要不是摸很久! 我等你過來…呼嚕…


Guuji  宮司(八重神子)ぐうじ

rear 飼養

ornamental fish 觀賞魚

slack off 摸魚

fishing rod 魚竿

day off 休息日

pat 輕拍

© 2022 3樓貓 下載APP 站點地圖 廣告合作:asmrly666@gmail.com