原神|生日邮件英语(重云 9月7日)~斩妖诛邪!

3楼猫 发布时间:2023-11-08 01:35:25 作者:无眠英语ENG Language

原神|生日邮件英语(重云 9月7日)~斩妖诛邪!-第0张


Evil spirits have been spotted behaving aggressively in the area recently. Though today is my birthday, as a Tianheng Thaumaturge, how could I possibly take a day for rest and pleasure, and allow the evil spirits to run rampant?

I must set out, purge the evil spirits, and uphold peace in the region!

I am deeply aware of your fame in Liyue your heroic deeds, and I presume you wouldn't miss such an opportunity? Why not join me, and indulge in the thrill of battle for a day, drinking deep the joy of victory and extirpating the evil spirits...


Apologies for what I just said, I forgot myself and my manners... But my invitation to you comes from the heart. It would undoubtedly be a source of regret for friends to be a thousand leagues away during such a joyous occasion. You needn't overly concern yourself with the flavor of the food, as I recently purchased a medicine most effective at negating the effects of spiciness with incredible alacrity.


Evil spirits have been spotted behaving aggressively in the area recently.


Though today is my birthday, as a Tianheng Thaumaturge, how could I possibly take a day for rest and pleasure, and allow the evil spirits to run rampant?


I must set out, purge the evil spirits, and uphold peace in the region!


I am deeply aware of your fame in Liyue for your heroic deeds, and I presume you wouldn't miss such an opportunity?


Why not join me, and indulge in the thrill of battle for a day, drinking deep the joy of victory and extirpating the evil spirits...




Apologies for what I just said, I forgot myself and my manners... But my invitation to you comes from the heart.


It would undoubtedly be a source of regret for friends to be a thousand leagues away during such a joyous occasion.


You needn't overly concern yourself with the flavor of the food, as I recently purchased a medicine most effective at negating the effects of spiciness with incredible alacrity.



Evil spirits 妖邪

spot 看见,注意到

Thaumaturge 方士

run rampant 泛滥

set out 动身

purge 清除

heroic deeds 英勇事迹

presume 料想

indulge in 沉迷于

extirpate 根除

comes from the heart 出自本心

a thousand leagues away 千里之外

alacrity 敏捷

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