
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-10-14 18:51:54 作者:无眠英语ENG Language


Candace often buys all kinds of trinkets from merchants who visit Aaru Village.


水蓝色珠石aquamarine beads

绸缎silk and satin


Hairpins adorned with aquamarine beads, headbands made of silk and satin,gilded necklaces, metal bracelets engraved with Kalpalata Lotus patterns, pendants with the emblems of the Akademiya's colleges drawn upon them...


While Dehya has encouraged her to dress up more often and use the Mora she spends on herself, Candace feels that some things are too fragile to survive her daily work environment, and so she puts them deep in her wardrobe.


派上用场come in handy

So it seems that these trinkets will come in handy only when Candace temporarily puts her duties aside and changes into other clothes to have a rest in the shade — or perhaps she might just give it to a friend as a gift.



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