
3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-05-15 09:56:58 作者:無眠英語ENG Language

姬子是星穹列車的元老之一,是個日本名字。詞典有云:Himeko is an uncommon Japanese feminine given name.  It can have many different meanings depending on the kanji used. 那麼看起來這個名字挺特別的。


An adventurous scientist who encountered the Astral Express as a young woman when it got stranded in her homeworld.


*充滿冒險精神的 adventurous。原神的冒險家協會叫Adventurers's Guild。這裡的Guild是行業協會的意思。

*星穹列車 Astral Express。Astral 星際的。Express 快車,另外常用的還有快遞的意思。an air express company 航空快遞公司。

*擱淺的 stranded。比如The shipwas strandedona sandbank.船在沙洲上擱淺了。普通的船擱淺可以理解,星穹列車擱淺不知道是咋樣的,難道是被星球引力吸住了?

*故鄉 homeworld。一般故鄉用的是hometown, 或者是homeland,星鐵的背景是星際之間,所以這裡用了homeworld。有點意思。

Years later, when Himeko finally repairs the Express and begins her journey into the stars, she realized that this is only the beginning.


*駛入群星,也就是開啟星際旅行,begins her journey into the stars。

On her journey to trailblaze new worlds, she would need many more companions...


*「開拓」trailblaze。主人公棒球俠也被成為開拓者 trailblazer。

* 同伴 companion。

And while they may have different destinations, they all gaze at the same starry sky.


* 仍處於同一片星空下,也就是凝視同一片星空,gaze at the same starry sky。



adventurous 勇於冒險的

Astral Express 星穹列車

stranded 擱淺的

homeworld 故鄉,母星

trailblaze 開拓

gaze at 凝視


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