
3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-05-24 19:25:03 作者:無眠英語ENG Language



A vivacious young lady of the Vidyadhara race, she is known as the "Healer Lady" due to her expertise with medicine.


*活潑的 vivacious。這個單詞尤指女子, having a lively, attractive personality 可愛的;活潑的;動人的。比如He had three pretty, vivacious daughters. 他有三個活潑漂亮的女兒。

*持明族 Vidyadhara race。Vidyadhara 是梵語,通常被翻譯為awareness holder。稍微知道一下就好,不需要去記。

*銜藥龍女 Healer Lady。這個Healer lady很直白啊,治療室女士@-@

She often dishes out unorthodox prescriptions such as "Stay well hydrated" and "Get a good night's rest."


*開出處方 dish out prescriptions。這裡的開出處方,更像是分發處方。If you dish out something, you distribute it among a number of people. 比如 Doctors, not pharmacists, are responsible for dishing out drugs. 醫生們而不是藥劑師們負責分發藥物。

*不拘一格的 unorthodox 。英文釋義 different from what is usual or accepted 非正統的;非傳統的;不正規的。這個好難~

*「多喝熱水」"Stay well hydrated" 也就是保持充足的水分。記一下,對象身體不舒服的時候能用得上。

Bailu cannot bear to see people suffer, and that's why you'll see her with her eyes shut tightly as she cures ailments.


*見不得 cannot bear to see。bear作動詞有容忍的意思,不忍去看,也就是見不得。

*受苦 。suffer表示(因疾病、痛苦、悲傷等)受苦,受折磨。I hate to see animals suffering. 我不忍心看動物受苦。

*治病 cures ailments。ailment尤指“輕微的疾病”。另外,illness和disease都可以表示“疾病、病症”,但illness泛指“疾病”,還可以指“生病的狀態”;相比之下,disease多用於描述“客觀而具體的病症”,也可以指“動物、植物的疾病”。再來擴充幾個和“生病”有關的英語詞彙,它們是“sickness生病;噁心”、“disorder失調、紊亂”和“affliction病痛”。

"As long as they're cured, that's all that matters, right?"


*就行 that's all that matters ,也就是那是最重要的。這句話可以靈活運用一下,只要你……,就是最重要的。As long asyou'rehappy,that's allthat matters.只要你幸福,這就是最重要的事情。



vivacious 活潑的(尤指女子)

expertise 專業知識

dish out 分發

prescription 處方

unorthodox 非傳統的

Stay well hydrated 多喝水

cannot bear to see 見不得

suffer 受苦

cures ailments 治病

that's all that matters這就是最重要的事情


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