
3樓貓 發佈時間:2024-03-02 19:39:41 作者:高志明與安娜 Language

tl;dr after the Beyond Light patch, all sniper aim assist was practically removed. Hand cannons and scout rifles have ridiculous amounts of aim assist. Is this a good thing?

So we all saw the patch notes that adjusted sniper aim assist when Beyond Light launched, and since this patch sniping has felt really weird. I went into a private match with a friend to test out aim assist on snipers and we came to the conclusion that sniper aim assist was entirely removed. Turns out, aim assist is a really I'll link my youtube video in case anybody wants to see the actual footage, but here's the summary:

We started out by assuming aim assist was "bullet magnetism," which is just the game pulling your bullet towards the enemy player's head. With snipers, this phenomenon does not exist. If the center pixel of your reticle is not covering the player, you will get a neither a headshot nor hit marker. This was not always the case, and I believe it to be consequence of the recent patch. Later in the video, I tested out "bullet magnetism" on other weapons, and oh my god is it broken. Hand cannons can shoot an entire body width away and still get headshots with consistency, and with the range buff to hand cannons in Beyond Light, this just solidifies hand cannons as the new meta (which is a nice change of pace, though I think it's a little OP). Scout rifles also got a huge buff to aim assist that seems to increase with range; in the video I "shoot" my friend from a reasonably long range and can get headshots at nearly two body widths away.

Surely though, Bungie didn't remove aim assist entirely? We then assumed, aim assist would drag your aim towards a player when they move across your screen. That also was not the case. I had my friend strafe, run, walk, whatever across my screen and my scope is entirely stationary.

It turns out that sniper "aim assist" is the slowing down of your sensitivity when it's overtop of a player. So, when you pass your aim across an enemy, your aim slows down. But, is this really aim assist? In my opinion, this is incredibly useless. Unless you're playing on a 1 sensitivity (which I was for some of my tests), you'll never notice this in game. Even if you can notice the slow down, are you actually waiting to see your sensitivity slow before pulling the trigger? Of course not. Sniping in Destiny has always been about feel -- those of us who are good snipers instinctually know where to throw our aim in order to get the headshot. Previously, you could miss by little bit, but the aim assist cone would pull your bullet in. Now you can't be off by even a pixel.

My opinion is that we should find the happy medium between sniping from last season and this season. On console, sniping was reasonably balanced, though a slight nerf would have been welcomed. From my understanding, PC had serious issues with sniper aim assist (not starting a platform war here, just summarizing feedback). After the aim assist tests, I'll be shocked if we see any trials teams (1) running anything other than 3 hand cannons and (2) running more than one sniper, if any at all. It would be nice for Bungie to explain what aim assist is intended to do in a coming TWAB as one of those dev team segments; seems like this patch did not accomplish the intentions

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