译介丨Alexander Rostov:《极乐迪斯科》引言

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-12-20 09:39:55 作者:大概是龙套 Language

Nothing exists in a vacuum, not even video game art. Every individual is a product of their material conditions and historical context and sometimes it is interesting to trace it all back to a few specific events.
I grew up in the post-apocalypse. Amid the ruins of the Soviet Union, a newly born land of arms deals, rapid financialization,, and cowboy capitalists killing one another in public squares. In these interesting circumstances, the traditions of figurative art were, to put it lightly, interrupted.
The neoliberal zeitgeist which emerged from the ashes of the Great Project had little appetite for frivolities of painting. In art circles, it was declared that mankind had overcome and thus abandoned drawing and painting, much as it had slavery or speed limits on the Autobahn.
In its place, an aggressive conceptual art was taking the soap-in-a-sock to all other forms with what appeared to be vengeance. Nothing short of a complete reset of all truth and institutions of art. In painting, little else remained besides serious abstracts for bank lobbies, financed by the banks, abstract and serious themselves.
The world, it seemed, consisted mostly of fast loan ads, alcohol, and imaginative varieties of potato chips.
Sketchbooks were not among the commodities available in stores. I’m sure you could see how a young man obsessed with painting would find this world bleak and worthy of contempt. Fortunately. My father could bind books and made for me a few to draw in.
This is the cultural context that the art of Disco Elysium emerged from.
The next illuminating moment in the synthesis of the art of Disco Elysium was discovering the works of Craig Mullins (see p.20, image 16). His work was my first serious exposure to expressive brushwork and what you might loosely call impressionist or expressive painting and it completely blew my mind. I spent an entire day in furious thirst after this, for me, never-before-seen quality of pure distilled skill, downloading Mullins’ complete works one-by-one via what surely must have been dial-up internet. For a young artist, this was the discovery of the first master to emulate. There were many others in the years to follow, but the first one is the sweetest.
另一个对《极乐迪斯科》艺术创作综观具有启发性的时刻是在我发现Craig Mullins的作品时。那是我第一次认真地直面如此富于表现力的绘法,你可以轻率地把它称为印象派/表现派绘画,但它彻底震撼到我了。我在那个拨号上网的年代花了一整天时间,急不可耐地一件又一件下载着Mullin所有的作品,因为我从未看到过如此精湛的技艺。对一名年轻艺术家来说,这是他找到第一位值得模仿的大师的时刻。在这之后他还会遇到很多大师,但第一位总是最甜蜜的。
In a visceral way, what really hits in the works of Craig Mullins is how the image seems to come together without much hassle. In truth, of course, this loose brushwork and seemingly effortless manner actually take a lot of effort. In there lies the appeal of mastery, of understanding how to work the material, how to handle the brush and color. But also in understanding optics, how to accurately model by intuition and mental calculus the way light illuminates a scene. Perhaps most strikingly, an intuitive understanding of how much needs to be depicted to trick you into seeing something that’s not entirely there. It is painterly anarchy on top of rigid and true fundamentals.
发自肺腑地说,Craig Mullins的作品真正打动我的原因在于他行云流水地组织画面的高超技巧。他那随心所欲的绘法看似毫不费力,实际上当然倾注了心血。那种对于如何表现材质,如何处理笔绘与颜料的驾驭能力令人神往。在对于光影的理解,如何凭借直觉和心智去准确地建构光源是如何照亮整个场景的能力同样使人陶醉。或许最引人入胜的是,他有一种对于需要多大程度的描写,就能够诱使你去关注一些完全不存在于画中之物的直观理解。这是位于教条与真实性基础之上的一种绘画性的无秩序状态。
It immediately struck me as the most intellectual mode of painting.
Craig Mullins 作品

Craig Mullins 作品

Not only was Craig Mullins my first introduction to serious painting, he’s also historically remarkable. Mullins was there at the advent of early Photoshop and Wacom tablets, one of the first to drop gouache in favor of the digital round brush. Digital art tended to have the surface finish of air brushed marshmallows before Mullins introduced texture and bravado. Any future history books on the art of painting that omit his name can be considered incomplete.
Craig Mullins不仅是带我走进严肃绘画的第一位老师,他在现代绘画史上也值得一提。你可以在Photoshop和数位板刚问世时见到他的身影,Mullins是首批抛下水粉颜料转而使用圆形数位笔的人。在Mullins引入他的纹理和个人风格之前,数字艺术作品都像是被空气喷枪涂抹过的棉花糖一样平滑而温和。我认为任何略去他的名字的艺术史书籍都是不完整的。
Suffice to say, post-apocalyptic conditions were hardly ideal for the study of art, and in isolation, one develops an uneven skillset. At the same time, these early difficulties and mistakes led to idiosyncratic approaches which have ended up influencing the art of Disco Elysium in fundamental ways. The autodidact must find ways to cover for their shortcomings and put forth their strengths.
An example: One prominent technique that arose from these conditions is the use of abstract flashes of color, splats of paint,and aggressive use of edge hierarchies which are necessary to make up for shortcomings and impatience in composition. Where I fail to lock down the image in its early stages I tend to use abstraction to finish it later. It is a bit like constructing when it threatens to tumble over. As far as learning how to paint goes, I do not recommend this approach - after a while, you start building tilted houses on purpose.


Truthfully, though, it is fortunate that my natural proclivities for expressive work fed so well into the subjective nature of the story told with Disco Elysium. If I were a true-blue realist, some of the wilder excesses might not have come together the way they did.
The video game took five years to make. This is a long time for an art project. Luckily it didn’t take us quite as long as Ghiberti on the Gates of Paradise. He got to witness the transition of what we’ve come to recognize as the Gothic period to the Renaissance while stuck working in a style that fell out of fashion during his own lifetime. Such are the artistic risks with protracted projects. If I allow myself the vanity, I hope Disco Elysium reflects not on the collapse of something, but instead on the tendencies of an incoming new age of more bold and eccentric works of art.
Alexander Rostov, art director Brighton, England December 2020
Alexander Rostov, 美术总监 布莱顿, 英格兰 2020.12


这篇文章与我翻译的前一篇《译介丨ROBERT KURVITZ:《极乐迪斯科》引言》一样收录于《极乐迪斯科》Switch限定版的设定集中。说来惭愧,在刚拿到设定集时我就有了翻译其中几篇文章的念头,因为几位主创真的分享了很多有价值创作经验,仅仅作为收藏品实在是有点暴殄天物。但借着工作繁忙、文学艺术水平不足等一系列理由,我迟迟没有行动。
然而《极乐迪斯科》于我就像Craig Mullins之于Alexander一样,我深深的受到了震撼。在这里我找到了我在开放世界中苦苦追寻而不得的真正的自由,我看到了丰富的可能性,我的相对主义世界观被挑战了,没有什么井水不犯河水,以控制多巴胺为目的的奶头乐就应该对这种真正的艺术俯首称臣。
Don't consume all the way, produce something, even if it is doomed to tumble over.

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