原神|角色故事英语~坎蒂丝 神之眼

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-10-14 18:52:56 作者:无眠英语ENG Language


纷至沓来pour in

With outsiders pouring in, Aaru village was faced with a variety of unprecedented circumstances.



They now had Treasure Hoarders pretending to be businessmen within the village, mercenary groups hijacking trade caravans, unscrupulous vendors engaged in charlatanry...


Moreover, after seeing people who came from abroad, the residents of Aaru Village gradually began to yearn for life outside. Gradually, people tried to go out to make a living, and fewer and fewer young people were willing to stay in the village.


The former Guardians had long been dissatisfied with Candace, who, as they saw it, had "abandoned" their traditions. Seeing that the village was in such a situation, they again held a meeting and prepared to challenge her.


"What we Guardians must do is maintain order in the village!"


"Candace! What you have done will only cost this village its peace!"


"Candace! Go and fulfill your duties now!"


As the war of words swayed back and forth, the lance-wielding female warrior suddenly shot up to her full height.


"That's enough!"


"If you only wish to protect the 'past' of this village, then do it yourself! Whether you wish to just remain in your homes or leave Aaru Village, that is up to you!"


"I will not let the people of Aaru Village be bound by the past forever."


"If you can't move forward, then it's up to me to protect our future!"


The old Guardians were intimidated by her, her young, fiery eyes making it impossible for them to come forward and question her further.


Burning with rare anger, Candace hefted her long spear and stormed out of the dispute-ridden hut.


And, as if in response to her convictions, a shining "jewel" had appeared at the tip of that lance, though she knew not when it had done so.


The eyes of the gods had found her, and they had given her their approval.


坚定的心resolute heart

A "Vision" is also a resolute heart— and no finer ornament than it may be found anywhere.

原神|角色故事英语~坎蒂丝 神之眼-第0张


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