
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-03-02 18:31:55 作者:跃之千里 Language




      等待已经结束了,艾尔登法环在上周已经正式公布,在游戏世界中掀起了一阵风潮。但不要只听我一家之言。 毕竟From Software拜托我来构筑游戏世界观,因此自己是很难假装客观的。


I am 50 hours into Elden Ring.While I was writing this review, all I wanted to do was play more Elden Ring. By now, you’ve already heard that FromSoftware's ultra-anticipated, open-world fantasy epic—with a story by  Game of Thrones scribe George R. R. Martin, no less—is a masterpiece.

 And it is.Mark my words: Elden Ring will join games such as Smash Bros. Breath of the Wild., Grand Theft Auto, and Dark Souls as points of comparison for every one of its imitators over the next decade. But you wont understand just how stunning Elden Ring is until you play it. So if you’re still reading this (instead of going toplay the game by whatever means necessary), read on for a spoiler-free review of Elden Ring. Just know every moment you waste reading my silly little review is a moment you could be memorizing spells, or finding treasure, or getting your ass handed to you by one of the most horrific monstrosities.

 you'll ever see.In Elden Ring, you play as a “tarnished” (AKA a hero/warrior adventurer type, from what I could glean) who slays menacing foes in search of the Elden Ring, venturing through a strange world called the Lands Between. About that world? It's massive.While huge playgrounds are all the rage in the post-Breath of the Wild gaming sphere, nothing has felt as expansive as this one. It's full to the brim with lore, secrets, and so much more. I spent over18 hours in the starting area. (Seriously.) Still, when returning to the location later in the game, I found caves, mini bosses, treasure, and evenentire underground cities. Words can't put into perspective how full and elusive this land is. It's truly unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in gaming.

1.进入Elden Ring 50 小时。当我写这篇评论时,我想做的就是多玩Elden Ring。到目前为止,您已经听说过 FromSoftware 的超期待的开放世界奇幻史诗——由《权力的游戏》编剧 George RR Martin 撰写的故事,同样如此——是杰作。的确如此。记住我的话:在接下来的十年里,艾尔登法环将加入《明星大乱斗》、《荒野之息》、《侠盗猎车手》和《黑暗之魂》等游戏,作为每一个模仿者的比较点。但在你玩之前,你不会明白艾尔登法环有多漂亮。所以,如果你还在读这篇文章(而不是通过任何必要的方式来玩游戏),请继续阅读艾尔登法环的无扰流评论。只要知道,你浪费在阅读我那篇愚蠢的小评论上的每一刻,都可能是你在记忆咒语、寻找宝藏、或者被你所见过的最可怕的怪物之一狠狠揍你一顿的时刻。





当然,几乎所有的功劳都应该归功于宫崎英高和他惊人的游戏设计团队,他们在这个游戏上投入了五年或者更多的时间,下定决心创造出最好的游戏。 我本人很荣幸认识他们,和他们一起工作,并起到了一定的作用,做了一些微小的工作,在创建艾尔登法环这个具有里程碑意义和奇妙世界的作品上发挥了一点小的作用。


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