【天命2】命運故事《光能重擔》— 遺言( 二 ):真實的重量

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-12-05 17:02:51 作者:Geneva Language

不知道這是什麼? 那就先來看看這裡--->《光能重擔》簡介





我從來沒見過像他這樣的人,或許,我們都沒見過這樣的人。他說他只是從此地路過,然後我就相信他了 — 我到現在還對此事深信不疑,但是現實總會擋在你和理想之間,生活就是這樣。

我到現在還能近乎完美地描述那天的經過。但在所有的細節之中, — 每一個細微之處,每一個微小時分 — 留在我腦海中無法揮去的,是賈倫放在身後的那塊鐵製品。一把看起來古樸中不乏時髦的手炮。上面似乎有他參加過的每一場戰鬥的痕跡,那把槍低垂在他的腰間 — 像是一座獎盃,也像是一句警告。

這個男人曾經一定很危險,但似乎有光點圍繞在他的身邊 — 那是一種與他身軀相匹配的純潔 — 但那似乎也暗示這他的憤怒是自身所引發的,而不是隨意被某人給與的。



就在我們等待我們的羅根長官回到帕拉蒙來為這個旅人展開正式歡迎的期間,我的耐心終究是落入了下風,我將父親那沉重的手從我的肩膀上甩開,然後小跑著穿過了廣場,在距離那個新奇事物僅有幾步距離的地方停了下來 — 那個與眾不同的男人。



我記得我回頭望向父親,與每一個我所認識的人他們臉上的表情。他們都流露出擔憂的神色 — 我的父親緩緩地搖著頭,彷彿在懇求我不要理會這份禮物。





【天命2】命運故事《光能重擔》— 遺言( 二 ):真實的重量-第0張


The man I would come to know as Jaren Ward, my third father and quite possibly my closest friend, came to Palamon from the south.

I was just a boy, but I'll never forget his silhouette on the empty trail as he made his slow walk into town.

I'd never seen anything like him. Maybe none of us had. He'd said he was only passing through, and I believed him - still do, but life can get in the way of intent, and often does.

I can picture that day with near perfect clarity. Of all the details though - every nuance, every moment - the memory that sticks in my mind is the iron on Jaren's hip. A cannon that looked both pristine and lived in. Like a relic of every battle he'd ever fought, hung low at his waist - a trophy and a warning.

This man was dangerous, but there was a light about him - a pureness to his weight - that seemed to hint that his ire was something earned, not carelessly given.

I'd been the first to see him as he approached, but soon most of Palamon had turned out to greet him. My father held me back as everyone stood in silence.

Jaren didn't make a sound behind his sleek racer's helmet. He looked just like the heroes in the stories, and to this day I'm not sure one way or the other if the silence between the town's people and the adventurer was born of fear or respect. I like to think the latter, but any truth I try to place on the moment would be of my own making.

As we waited for Magistrate Loken to arrive and make an official greeting, my patience got the best of me. I shook free of my father's heavy hand and made the short sprint across the court, stopping a few paces from where this new curiosity stood - a man unlike any other.

I stared up at him and he lowered his attention to me, his eyes hidden behind the thick tinted visor of his headgear. My sight quickly fell to his sidearm. I was transfixed by it. I imagined all the places that weapon had been. All of the wonders it had seen. The horrors it had endured. My imagination darted from one heroic act to the next.

I barely registered when he began to kneel, holding out the iron as if an offering. But my eyes locked onto the piece, mesmerized.

I recall turning back to my father and seeing the looks on the faces of everyone I knew. There was worry there - my father slowly shaking his head as if pleading with me to ignore the gift.

I turned back to the man I would come to know as Jaren Ward, the finest Hunter this system may ever know and one of the greatest Guardians to ever defend the Traveler's Light...

And I took the weapon in my hand. Carefully. Gently.

Not to use. But to observe. To imagine. To feel its weight and know its truth.

That was the first time I held "Last Word," but, unfortunately, not the last.

本文內容來源於《Destiny Grimoire Anthology》--Chapter 2《The Burden of Light》(由於黑盒編輯沒有斜體在此用中文書名符號標識)若想去閱讀原文請移步至相關網站購買,本文由小黑盒用戶Geneva獨立翻譯,轉載請註明,若有爭議請與我聯繫,感謝配合。

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