
3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-01-06 12:44:01 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language



前些日子,《靈媒》開發商Bloober Team宣佈將使用虛幻5引擎重製《寂靜嶺2》,這得到了粉絲們的強烈支持,大家都期待重新體驗這款經典的恐怖遊戲。其實,作為本作的開發商Bloober Team也為此肩負了巨大的壓力。


在最近一次採訪中,Bloober Team負責市場營銷的人員向媒體透露,Bloober Team並非唯一一個向Konami爭取重製《寂靜嶺2》的廠商,還有其他工作室也參與了爭取,不過最終還是他們的設計得到了Konami認可。


當獲悉Konami同意後,Bloober Team上下也十分驚訝,畢竟他們很多工作人員也是《寂靜嶺2》的鐵桿粉絲。當然,Bloober Team方面的壓力也很大,因為他們正在開發史上最優秀的恐怖遊戲之一,他們想要保持原作的風格。


Bloober Team has said it’s feeling significant pressure to meet expectations with its Silent Hill 2 remake. Following months of anticipation, Konami announced in October that the Polish studio behind The Medium, Layers of Fear and Blair Witch was remaking the 2001 survival horror game for PS5 and PC. In a new interview with Dread XP, Bloober’s chief marketing officer Anna Jasińska said the company overcame “many other studios” to land the “dream” project, an outcome which she said left it feeling both overjoyed and apprehensive. In 2019 Bloober was invited by Konami to participate in the Tokyo Game Show, where the publisher asked the studio to prepare a concept for a remake. “Of course, we weren’t the only contenders,” Jasińska said. “Many other studios were vying for cooperation as well, but in the end, our concept was the one that stole Konami’s heart. They recognized our commitment and passion for horror, and that alone was an enormous distinction for us. “Our company was thunderstruck when we received this ecstatic information because many of Bloober Team’s employees are die-hard fans of the title. “As for apprehension, yes, the pressure is high since we’re dealing with one of the best psychological horror games ever made. We want to stick close to the original, and we will put it in the spotlight for years to come.” Powered by Unreal Engine 5, the remake will introduce an over-the-shoulder camera, while Bloober is rebuilding the combat system and certain set-pieces. Jasińska said the studio is modernising the game where needed but taking “a very safe approach” to any changes it makes. “We are focusing on bringing the distinct, visceral atmosphere back in the modernized Silent Hill 2. Longtime fans shouldn’t worry about us ‘missing the point’ while we’re livening up the title. “We faithfully stick to the traditional story canon while remaking the gameplay and updating the graphics from the ground up. These are the reasons why Konami entrusted us with the remake in the first place.”

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