【PC遊戲】歐羅巴報42期 Europan volume 42 (2)

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-02-18 19:28:32 作者:atmosphere007 Language


【PC遊戲】歐羅巴報42期  Europan volume 42 (2)-第0張


“Probably just a burnt out comms relay”(“可能只是通信線路被燒燬”)

All communication with the mining outpost Apophis Linea was lost suddenly on Friday evening in what officials are calling “No big deal”.(在週五晚上,與採礦前哨站阿波菲斯·利納的所有聯繫突然全部中斷,對此官方宣稱“不是什麼大事”)

“[The] Comms relay is probably fried, you know how those things get when there’s solar flare activity,” expands one official who declined to be named because of not being “officially authorized to talk to the press”.(“[阿波菲斯·利納的]通信線路很可能被燒燬了,大家都知道太陽耀斑活動的時候可能會發生此類事情”,一名因“未被允許與媒體談論此事”而不能透露姓名的官方人員解釋道)

“Besides, Johan Acheampong is a rather silly name, anyway,” he continues, and we heartily concur. “Also, you know how those miners like to drink, and it was a Friday night after all, they’re just sleeping off some nasty hangovers”(“此外,無論如何,Johan Acheampong 都是個相當愚蠢的名字,”對於他的這一化名,他繼續說到,對此我們衷心地表示贊同。“還有,你知道那幫礦工們有多愛喝酒嗎,那時又恰好是星期五的晚上,他們只是在睡覺來消除那不愉快的宿醉罷了。)

Speculation about the proximity of a mysterious cave formation in the ice face to the west of Apophis Linea has been rife, with outpost crew in nearby stations calling for an investigation into its possible connection with this and six other ongoing communication blackouts in adjacent outposts.(對於阿波菲斯·利納前哨站西邊冰蓋中的一個神秘洞穴,有很多的猜測非常流行,而在附近的前哨站的工作人員則被要求調查該洞穴與阿波菲斯·利納前哨站與周圍六個前哨站失聯的可能聯繫)

Officials disagree, with Acheampong responding: “ Look, you know how nervous the outpost guys can be, but we just can’t be running Coalition attack subs to every hole in the ice or remote outpost that goes quiet for five days. Those clowns probably just have an output pin on their comms terminal wired to the output pin on the transmitter instead of its input pin, that sort of stuff happens real easily.”(聯盟的官員們對此表示不同意,這名工作人員Acheampong(化名)回應道:“聽著,你要知道,前哨戰的那幫人有多神經質,但我們不能讓聯盟的攻擊型潛艇去探查冰層裡的每一個洞穴或者去探查一個偏遠的不起眼的前哨站五天之久。很可能只是那幫小丑將他們的信號發射器的輸出端連接到了站點信號終端的輸出端而非輸入端上罷了,此類事件真的很容易發生。”) sort of stuff: 諸如此類的東西

“If some expendable captain was already heading that way though, maybe they could stop by for a cup of coffee and a quick chat, those Apophis guys would sure appreciate the company. They’re probably really busy with all their mining stuff, which is why they’re not returning messages,” Acheampong amends.(“如果某些敢死隊潛艇的船長已經在去阿波菲斯的路上了,也許他們可以停下喝杯咖啡然後簡單聊聊天,那些阿波菲斯的傢伙一定會意識到你們的陪伴的。他們可能真的只是因為忙於他們的採礦工作,才導致了他們沒能回覆消息。”Acheampong 糾正道。)

“Say, you’re really not going to use my real name are you, I could lose my job!”(“我說,你不會真的用我的真名吧?那樣我會丟到我的工作的”)

此外 這篇文章右下還有一篇尋寵物啟事(就是拿蛋孵出來的 像小龍蝦一樣的玩意,之前不知道它要吃寵物零食 讓他吃了泥偶迅猛龍的肉給毒死了)



Clowns and other Honkmother-workshiping crew find day to day work met with unwelcoming attitudes by non-clown crewmates, new report on the matter alleges.(小丑成員和其他小丑聖母的崇拜者們發現在日常工作中,他們並不受其他非小丑組織的船員的歡迎)

“In the old days, me and my fellow clowns would work in full costume all day, honking our little horns and making funny noises with our giant shoes as we patrolled the caous compartments and passages of the subs we were stationed on, looking for things to... fix.”(在過去,我和我的小丑同伴們會整天天穿著我們的整套小丑服,當我們巡邏我們所在的潛艇的各個地方時,用我們的小喇叭鳴笛,發出滑稽的聲音,並尋找有沒有什麼東西可以......去修。)(這裡也提及了助手的特殊能力,用小丑喇叭修理設備)

“I remember the joy and surprise of many of our crew when they noticed us: Hey! Where did you get that suit? That mask’s so funny, what’s up with that? Why’s the reactor alarm sounding? Why are you cutting a hole in the hull?”(我記得那時,許多同乘船員注意到我們時的喜悅與驚喜:嘿!你們是從哪裡搞來這樣的套裝的,你們的那個面具真有趣,為什麼反應堆的警報器響了,為什麼你們要在船上鑿洞?)

“And of course, the cries of ‘CLOWN IN THE ARMORY!!’ chuckles Chud Hask (name changed to protect the identity of the individual), a full-time engineer and part-time clown currently serving aboard a Coalition sub.” (“當然,還有那些所謂的‘武器庫裡有小丑’的口號”,Chud Husk(為保護該人的身份的化名),這名目前正在聯合號潛艇上工作的全職工程師和業餘小丑成員輕笑著說)chuckle: v.咯咯咯地笑,輕笑

Since those golden times, however, the ancient art of sub-board clowning has fallen into disrepute. According to the Europan Jesters’ Union, there has been a 300% increase in reports of clown-related shooting, a 159% increase in clown airlock ejection incidents and a 10% decrease in overall costumed comedy on subs in the last twelve months(然而,那段小丑風靡的黃金時光過去之後,這一潛艇上的古老的小藝術已經聲名狼藉了。而根據歐羅巴小丑聖母組織的數據顯示,在過去的12個月裡,與小丑有關的qiang擊事件的報道增加了300%,小丑們彈開氣閘的事件增加了159%,潛艇上的服裝喜劇則變少了10%)disrepute:n.喪失名譽,壞名聲,fall into disrepute: 聲名掃地, bring sth. Into disrepute:使...聲名掃地

“We bring pathos and comic relief!”exclaims Hask, who also serves as the official spokesman for the Europan Jesters’ Union, based in Archimedes Linea .(“我們帶來了悲情的薰陶與喜劇的安慰”Hask,這名阿基米德前哨站的歐羅巴小丑聯盟的官方發言人表示道) pathos: n.悲痛、哀婉的詞句

“Obviously in spite of the growing challenges to our work, we’ll continue our mission to make people laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time, and I’d like to say we’re more careful these days when performing our sacred clown duties in service of the Honkmother and all...but who am I kidding! HONK! HONK!”(顯然,儘管我們的工作面臨越來越多的挑戰,我們仍將繼續我們帶給人們歡笑與哭泣的工作,有時是在同一時間給予歡樂與哭泣,我想說的是我們,這些天我們在履行神聖的小丑職責時更加小心,為小丑聖母和其他所有人服務......但我說這些只是在開玩笑!嘟嘟嘟!(小丑喇叭擬聲詞) ) sacred:a.神聖的

Every inhabitant of Europa contacted about the matter responded simply, “Nobody likes a clown.”(歐巴羅的每個居民都簡單地回答說:“沒有人喜歡小丑”) inhabitant: n.居民

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