原神|美食英语稻妻篇~鸟蛋烧 Egg Roll(九条裟罗)

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-02-18 18:01:48 作者:无眠英语ENG Language




菜名简单,营养丰富。倒是可以看看九条裟罗的假名。九条 くじょう Kujou,裟羅 さら Sara。 日语中“r"读作”l",否则Sara读起来像个蒙德名字。貌似猎鹿人的老板就叫Sara。

原神|美食英语稻妻篇~鸟蛋烧 Egg Roll(九条裟罗)-第0张


A fried egg dish. Beat eggs well, season and fry them slowly in a wok, roll up into a fixed shape. Pour our egg liquid in again and continue until it has all reached a certain thickness, then get ready to plate up. This is an ordinary yet welcoming Inazuman delicacy.

wok  /wɑːk/ n. 锅(源自广东话);炒菜锅

plate up 摆盘


原神|美食英语稻妻篇~鸟蛋烧 Egg Roll(九条裟罗)-第1张


A fried egg dish. It looks way too soft... and what do you know, it comes apart the instant it so much as touches chopsticks. Might as well use a spoon at this point.

come apart 破碎;崩溃;瓦解


原神|美食英语稻妻篇~鸟蛋烧 Egg Roll(九条裟罗)-第2张


A fried egg dish. The shape of the dish as a whole, the golden color, the fluffy mouthfeel... a small piece of this may not fill your stomach, but it will fill you with warmth. Not to mention that sweetness that you can almost reach out and touch — simply irresistible.

fluffy /ˈflʌfi/ adj.(食物等)松软的,透气的;轻软状的

reach out vt. 伸出

irresistible /ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbl/  adj. 无法抗拒的,富有诱惑力的


原神|美食英语稻妻篇~鸟蛋烧 Egg Roll(九条裟罗)-第3张


Kujou Sara's specialty. Forget calling it a dish, this is really more like a snack. The sweet, fluffy flavor really doesn't seem to suit Sara's own preferences. Wait a moment. That symbol on the snack — does this have to do with a certain other person's tastes instead?

preference /ˈprefrəns/ n. 偏爱,偏好


原神|美食英语稻妻篇~鸟蛋烧 Egg Roll(九条裟罗)-第4张

原神|美食英语稻妻篇~鸟蛋烧 Egg Roll(九条裟罗)-第5张

原神|美食英语稻妻篇~鸟蛋烧 Egg Roll(九条裟罗)-第6张


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