A naive and enthusiastic newcomer to the Cloud Knights who wields a greatsword.
*單純熱心 naive and enthusiastic。naive指的是天真,幼稚的,原神比較幼稚的可能也就可莉了吧。
*新人 newcomer。同樣表示這種新手,菜鳥的還有newbie,rookie,greenhand。
*執重劍 wield greatsword。執是拿著,握著的意思,比如執筆,手執大旗。wield 揮,操,使用(武器、工具等)to hold sth, ready to use it as a weapon or tool。各自符合所用語言的表達習慣。
She yearns for the historic legends of the Cloud Knights, and is eager to become such a legendary figure herself.
*憧憬 yearn for。yearn for 渴望;強烈地想要或渴求某物或某人。比如:Iyearn foryou.我渴望你。
*渴望 eager to。英語不喜歡重複,所以這裡用了另一個短語 eager to。
*響噹噹的人物 legendary figure。legendary 非常有名的,大名鼎鼎的;傳說(中)的。figure (重要的)人物。a political figure 政治人物。這個單詞我們比較熟悉的含義是數字,身材。
As such, Sushang firmly believes in the philosophies "be eager to help those in need," "do one good deed a day and reflect on oneself three times a day," leading her to busy days full of helping others.
*堅決恪守 firmly believe in。堅決地 firmly,或者resolutely。恪守 believe in。但我感覺believe in 更多的是相信的意思。恪守是遵守的意思,要我的話會選擇abide by或者observe。
*急人所急,有求必應 be eager to help those in need。
*日行一善 do one good deed a day。
*三省吾身 reflect on oneself three times a day。reflect on 反省;反思。我高嗎?我富嗎?我帥嗎?算了,繼續搬磚。
*信條 philosophy。philosophy我們知道是哲學的意思。它還能表示人生哲學;生活的信條(或態度)a set of beliefs or an attitude to life that guides sb's behaviour。比如:Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself. 她的處世態度是不放過任何呈現眼前的機會。