【天命2】命運故事《憂愁之書》— Verse 5:2 嚴格證明的永恆

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-12-03 12:25:36 作者:Geneva Language

不知道這是什麼? 那就先來看看這裡--->憂愁之書簡介





“我捕獲了一隻Vex,它叫奎利亞 — 刀鋒變換,它嘗試在我的王座世界中佔據一席之地。我想你會很樂意研究這樣的機械。”但話音未落,歐瑞克斯停了下來,他開始消化他接受到的貢品,他的血脈感受到了克洛塔的殺戮,一個又一個的世界成為克洛塔的刀下亡魂,而那力量沿著他們的紐帶源源不斷地向他輸送,它像奶油一般甜蜜。“這個被稱為奎利亞的Vex機械中有一份模擬的我的樣本。而它或許還能產生其他模擬體 — 或許是你,或許是西烏阿拉斯。我沒有將它完全傀儡化,它仍然擁有一些自己的意志,或許這樣能給你帶來一些驚喜。”



“我還沒有得到確切的證據,你知道的。”薩瓦圖恩伸出了他的利爪在虛空中隨意的撥弄著,而時空在她的觸碰下發出了陣陣哀鳴。“從那時起,我們便相信這樣一件真理 — 我們通過吞噬解放宇宙,就像割去已經腐爛的肉塊一般,那是我們加入終焉之型的必經之路 — 但我還沒有得到永恆且嚴格的證明結論。或許我們做錯了也不一定。”




【天命2】命運故事《憂愁之書》— Verse 5:2 嚴格證明的永恆-第0張


 “I have a gift for you,” says Oryx.

Savathûn, Witch-Queen, looks at him with dry wariness. “Is it the sword logic I need to go into the Deep, and take your power for myself?”

Their echoes move among the war-moons, walking together on the hull of a two-thousand-year-old warship. Savathûn’s fleet has assembled here, in preparation for an assault on the Gift Mast. The Deep is headed that way, on the trail of its prey, and the Hive will be its vanguard.

“It’s a Vex I captured. Quria, Blade Transform. It made an attempt to puncture my throne. I thought you might enjoy studying it.” Oryx pauses, digesting — through the bond of lineage he can feel Crota killing, worlds and worlds away, and it tastes like sweet fat. “Quria contains a Vex attempt to simulate me. It might generate others — you, perhaps, or Xivu Arath. I’ve left it some will of its own, so it can surprise you.”

“I suppose it’ll blow up and kill me,” Savathûn grouses. “Or let the machines into my throne, where they’ll start turning everything into clocks and glass.”

“If it kills you, then you deserve to die.” Oryx says it with a quiet thrill, a happy thrill, because it is good to say the truth.

“I don’t have a strict proof yet, you know.” Savathûn strokes the void with one long claw and space-time groans beneath her touch. “This thing we believe — that we’re liberating the universe by devouring it, that we’re cutting out the rot, that we’re on course to join the final shape — I haven’t found a strict, eternal proof. We might yet be wrong.”

Oryx looks at her and for a moment, just a moment, he is nostalgic, he is sentimental. He thinks, imagine the years behind us, the things we’ve done. And yet being old doesn’t feel like a scar, does it? It hasn’t left me dull. I feel alive, alive with you, and every time I step back into this world from my throne I feel like I’m two years old again, at the bottom of the universe, looking up.

But he says, “Sister, it’s us. We’re the proof, we the Hive: if we last forever, we prove it, and if something more ruthless conquers us, then the proof is sealed.”

She looks back at him with eyes like hot needles. “I like that,” she says. “That’s elegant.” Although of course she has had this thought before.

本文內容來源於《Destiny Grimoire Anthology》--Chapter 1《A Book Of Sorrow》(由於黑盒編輯沒有斜體在此用中文書名符號標識)若想去閱讀原文請移步至相關網站購買,本文由小黑盒用戶Geneva獨立翻譯,轉載請註明,若有爭議請與我聯繫,感謝配合。


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