
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-02-17 12:03:19 作者:ZayChik Language

1.camper 蹲比/老六

Noob camping guys 说对面都是一群菜鸟蹲比

2.I’m hunting down 我正在追他

老外说看到人了,比如你正在追杀同一个目标,就可以说I’m hunting down

3.Brick 砖头

You bricks 你个榆木脑袋

4.Dogtags 狗牌

Pick up the dogtags 捡起狗牌

5.Sqawn killer /Sqawn camper 蹲在复活点等着蹲人的敌人

6.Really Troll 真菜


7.sup dude 好久不见,哥们


8.Sus 可疑

He looks really sus他看起来真的可疑

9. Now he's hiding behind the tree.他躲在那个树的后面了

10.He’s hiding in the grass ,look likes the Vee Nam monkey 他躲在草里面了,像个越南猴子一样(非常讨厌蹲比)

11. In the cave 在山洞里

The enemy ran into the cave 敌人跑进了山洞

12.one down/I’m down 倒了一个/我躺了

13.He’s gone 敌人不见了就可以这么说,代表他走了,他没了

He’s gone, I can’t see it.他不见了,我看不见。

I kill him, he’s gone.我干了他,他没了。

14. get the advantage/take the opportunites占得优势/取得先机

15.shadowban 影子封禁/小黑屋

I got damn the shadowban我获得了该死的影子封禁 也就是350ping

16.Broken her armor 他的甲碎了

17.Are you ****ing stupid or something?


18. trickshotter 对极其惊艳的操作者称呼 并不是代表作弊者 俗称被帽子戏法杀掉

trickshotter catches me in my face


19.hacker lobby 黑客大厅

I entered the hacker lobby with the shadowban 在影子封禁的影响下我进入了有黑客的大厅

20.silly you /you silly ass瞧你那傻子样吧

21.junk 废旧事物

Such a good for junk 真是个像样的小垃圾

22. flank 侧面

On the flank of the wall 在墙的侧面

23.along 顺着/向前

Along to the Squad leader Ping 顺着标记点走吧

24. near here /(by) the tree//build//car


25.east/south/west/north 东/南/西/

north by east 正北偏东

26. corner 角落

a secluded corner of the build 建筑物的某个隐蔽角落

27. position 方位,位置

Please tell me the position 请告诉我方位

28. Can you do me a favor and buy me? 能帮个忙买我不?(please,save me now/buy me now)

29. He’s hiding behind a rock 他躲在岩石后面

30. slopes/ramp斜坡

The car was parked on the slopes /Enemy is on the ramp 车停在斜坡那/人在斜坡那

31. Need backup 需要支援

32. Don't do anything stupid 别做傻事

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