哼著輕微變調的歌謠hum a melody that was slightly out of tune(hum這個單詞,和哼真是異曲同工之妙)
Two girls of similar ages hummed a melody that was slightly out of tune. They spent their innocent childhood hand-in-hand as constant companions.
They each picked flowers to decorate the other's hair in spring and walked across creeks barefoot in summer.
沙丘sand dunes
They slid down the golden sand dunes in autumn and shared a book in the warmth of the winter sunlight.
It seemed that such happy times would never come to an end.
咳血cough blood
That is, until the elder sister started coughing blood for no reason. At this time, their home came to beringedby a great many strange adults.
家徒四壁的房屋dingy little room
The strangers explained the elder sister's situation in serious tones and with unfathomable jargon before sighing at the dingy little room.
不知道發生了什麼的妹妹每天都去探望,姐姐總是露出明亮的笑容: 「沒事。休息一下就會好的啦。」
The younger sister had no idea what was happening, but she visited her sister every day, and her sister would always say this to her with a bright smile:
"It's alright. I just need some rest."
Seeing that smile, the innocent younger sister's eyes filled with expectation. She even began looking forward to playing together like they used to.
But one day, she saw her sister gripping her chest while telling a story.
栽倒在床上collapse onto the bed
Then, when her frail form collapsed onto the bed, the younger sister reached out to catch her, only to find that her body was so very light.
...It was almost as if her sister were a feather, a feather that might drift away to some place far, far away.
揉皺的紙條crumpled note
Later on, the younger sister found a crumpled note.
少數few and far between
It was a doctor's prescription, with a list of herbs that were desperately scarce — the collectors who had such herbs were few and far between.
To purchase those herbs would cost more than tens of millions of Mora, an impossible price for a family that was already struggling to make the ends meet.
The elder sister always shook her head with a smile to dismiss her family's insistence on following the prescription. Perhaps she herself could only find the courage to glance at that note in the deep hours of the night — and dare to dream that she might "live."
下了決心resolved to
Upon finding out about the note, the younger sister put it into her pocket silently and resolved to save her sister.
「要賺多多的摩拉。」 「這樣就不會再看到親近的人露出難過的笑臉,這樣就不會再因為沒有摩拉而失去什麼…」
"I must make a lot of Mora."
"With enough Mora, my family will never have to smile at me while swallowing their pain, and I will never have to lose anything due to lacking Mora..."
Perhaps it was at that moment that the gods looked upon her with mercy.
But to an "ambitious" person like her, getting a Vision was just the start.
在今後的無數個日夜中,她不停地告誡自己保持清醒,同時在心裡給自己打氣: 「只有執念是不夠的。
保持清醒kept herself calm and clear-headed
In the countless days and nights that have followed, she has constantly kept herself calm and clear-headed, telling herself:"Conviction alone is not enough.
我會為了想要的東西不停努力,直至耗盡最後一分力氣。」 「桑歌瑪哈巴依老爺,沒有做不到的事。」
I will work hard for what I desire until the end of my days."
"There's nothing that Lord Sangemah Bay cannot achieve."