前情提要:《戴森球计划》英文翻译勘误 (一)

语言选项后面的注释需要明确一下是重启游戏,不然会有歧义。因此“Requires game restart to take full effect”更合适。
“Tip level”又是不知所云。其实英文不需要写level,一个Tips就够了,对应的选项是All/Important Tips Only/Necessary Tips Only。

Witness Forthcoming Type III Civilization! As a member of COSMO and the pioneer of the Dyson Sphere Program, the energy you provide will help the homesteads develop rapidly. This star cluster is now activated, and people have lit up a star in the Milky Way Starmap to remember your achievements, it's an everlasting record of the contribution you've made for the forthcoming Type III Civilization!
正文里,第一句的“the pioneer”表示唯一的先驱,实际情况显然不是这样,需要修改冠词。此外,第一句话的中英文主语都很混乱。前半句在说玩家,后半句又变成了能源。
中文的“家园”应该是一个有点特殊含义的词,而homestead一般特指有人生活的聚落,用在这里显然也是不合适的。“星区被激活”建议加一个fully。“在地/星图上”一般用on,而“在银河系里”一般用in,请决定好用哪个说法,根据情况配介词。“铭记功绩”用remember显然太小了,in honor of更合适一点。contribution后面应该接的介词是to,最后半句话也可以缩在一起。
Witness An Upcoming Type III Civilization! As a member of COSMO and a pioneer in the Dyson Sphere Program, you will surely help your Home grow and prosper with all the energy you have generated. This star cluster is now fully activated and people have lit up a star on the Starmap in honor of your everlasting contribution to our advancement towards a Type III Civilization!

Welcome to the Actual Universe! You may find it is different from our homeland, should you be able to adapt to the laws of physics in a short time. I am your advisor and will help you through this mission.
真实宇宙——Actual Universe这对词都很奇怪,但由于是专有名词,我也没有那么了解制作组取这个名字的心思,暂且不进行修改。
Welcome to the Actual Universe! You'll find it a bit different from our Home but I trust you will get used to the physics here in no time. I am your advisor and will guide you through this mission.

Everything here is yours! As one of COSMO and the pioneer of the Dyson Sphere Program, you will explore this cluster step by step, by using the resources here to construct the Dyson Sphere to provide energy for the CentreBrain to maintain homeland, starting from scratch. I have chosen a designated planet for you to start the mission, which has necessary resources for initial development. Now please drive the Space Capsule to the planet.
第二句前半句话上文已说过,不再赘述。后半句话则是最经典的乱七八糟不知所云。中文的逻辑其实很清晰:白手起家——逐步探索——建戴森球——提供能量。英文则被一个非常有灵性的by全部打乱了,“建戴森球——提供能量”这两步成了“逐步探索”的方式,最后还有一个无处安放的“白手起家”。cluster有许多恒星,因此Dyson Sphere应该是复数。家园在这里的翻译homeland还可以,但又跟上文的homestead不统一,如果修改可能会漏掉。倒数第二句的chosen和designated语义是重复的,建议去掉后者。
Everything you see here is yours! As a member of COSMO and a pioneer in the Dyson Sphere Program, you'll get to explore this cluster, harness its resources to build Dyson Spheres, and provide energy for the CentreBrain to keep our Home up and running. I have chosen just the right planet as your first stop. It has all the resources you'll need to get a head start. Now, please drive the Space Capsule to the planet.