【潛淵症】歐巴羅報42期 Europan volume 42

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-02-15 16:13:22 作者:atmosphere007 Language

潛淵症的DLC每期都會發木衛二上的一份報紙,但是苦於沒有漢化 趁著放假和大家分享一下


進度很慢 準備一篇篇文章更新,至於某些翻譯錯誤和習語等 歡迎大家指出,

【潛淵症】歐巴羅報42期 Europan volume 42-第0張


We’re all slowly dying or are we?(我們是不是快死了?)

Hello my fellow Europans, and greetings from the staff of our moon’s most esteemed, and only periodical!(歐羅巴的同胞們,你們好,我們衛星的最權威同時也是唯一的報刊"歐羅巴(Europan)"的全體員工向你問好)

Once every eight days, or eight years, depending on how you look at it, we deliver you a comprehensive glimpse of the matters that have intrigued,perplexed, infuriated and delighted the residents of our home away from home.(每過八天,或者說八年(木衛二的自轉週期與公轉週期同步都大約為3.5天,所以是28天一期報紙),當然這取決於你怎麼看,我們會為你帶來這樣一份有關我們的第二家園的一些令本地居民好奇、疑惑、憤怒抑或是開心的事件的總覽)

intrigue:vi.搞陰謀詭計vt.激起...的好奇心 n.陰謀, perplex:vt.使困惑,使為難,使複雜化, infuriate:vt.激怒

We have, as always, observed discussions at outpost canteens, workshops and marketplaces, to bring the readers of The Europan the freshest gossip from all corners of our moon. While the loudest of the lamentation over the fate of our entire species seems to have quieted down with the latest warm currents, many public pet peeves still remain:Cost of living, slow progress of charting the rest of this cold watery rock, and the rough looks of our people-it seems whether we’re dying or not, we’re definitely not getting any prettier down here.(我們習於或者說我們總是在觀察前哨站的小賣部,工作間,集市(不太明白遊戲裡這幾個地方的區別)這些地方人們的話題以便給我們歐羅巴的讀者們呈上從這個衛星上各個角落蒐羅來的最新的小道消息。儘管隨著最近一次暖流的到來,這次對我們整個族群來說這一最大的****潮似乎已經平息了下來,但是許多民眾的小煩惱仍沒有得到解決:諸如生活的開銷,對冰冷含水岩層的海圖繪製的進展緩慢(說一個冷知識,木衛二的外部冰殼自轉速度比木衛二自身的岩石層自轉更慢,所以實際上前哨站的位置是不斷變化的),以及我們這裡的人們都變得日漸粗糙的外表(這點遊戲裡很明顯,Europan waifu mod另說)——這似乎意味著我們可能正在走向死亡——至少我們在這裡都沒能變得更漂亮)

pet peeve:小煩惱

Something that continues to vex sailors is the difficulty of finding decent crewmates, or, as one engineer put it, “You never know with these irregulars you find at outposts or hanging around lobbies. Some can’t wait to murder you, and other are just idiots that can’t manage to climb a ladder or equip a diving suit.”(還有一些問題諸如:太難找到合適的船員,正如某工程師說的那樣:“你永遠也不知道那些在前哨站或休息室閒逛時遇到的非正式人員裡面哪些等不及要殺了,哪些只是連梯子都爬不上,連潛水服都穿不進的傻子”(合理懷疑官方在說玩家?/滑稽)這樣的問題仍困擾著船員們)

vex:使人惱火的、擔心的、疑惑的. ladder:梯子. lobby:門廳,休息室

Another concern is the scarcity of food. Conversely, some remark they simply don’t feel hunger, nor the need to sleep. One has to wonder,which is really worse? Reportedly, ethanol and other intoxicants are still used regularly on submarines and stations alike (perhaps to distract the hungry stomach!)(另一個令人擔心的事情是缺乏食物。恰恰相反地,有些人則表示他們既幾乎感覺不到餓,還幾乎不用睡覺。人們開始擔心,大家反應的這兩種情況到底哪種更糟糕?此外據報道,潛艇上和各個站點仍在頻繁使用酒精和其他麻醉劑(或許是為了轉移人們對飢餓的注意力))

conversely:相反地, remark:言論,評論, reportedly:據報道可知, ethanol:乙醇, intoxicant:麻醉劑

【潛淵症】歐巴羅報42期 Europan volume 42-第1張


As for what lines outsides the boundaries of known Europa, conjecture abounds. There are persistent rumors about hideous gargantuan worms slithering around the Abyss, but the staff of The Europan have still not been able to confirm their existence. Due to the ever-increasing solar flare activity, it is necessary for us to go deeper, but many are concerned about the mysterious ”gravity well” our colonies sit on top of but that we still don’t quite understand.(在我們已探索過的歐羅巴的已知邊界以外到底有什麼,猜想比比皆是。關於可怕的巨大蠕蟲在深淵附近爬行的謠言一直存在(但遊戲裡發任務的工作人員可不是這麼說的),但我們歐巴羅報的工作人員仍無法證實它們的存在。由於太陽耀斑活動的不斷增強,我們有必要更加深入地研究,但許多人關注的有關我們的殖民地所在位置的神秘的”重力井”,我們仍不太瞭解)

persistent:持續的、不斷的  ever-increasing:不斷增長的

So, noting new under the ice?That’s hardly the case, dear reader- in this issue of The Europan, we bring you not just rumors, but the latest news. Knowledge is power, and The Europan distributes it generously (for a modest fee)!(所以,真的”冰層之下,再無新事”(這個是《聖經》"日光之下,再無新事"的梗)嗎?親愛的讀者們,事實並非如此——在我們歐羅巴報裡,我們為讀者帶來的不止是謠言,還有最新的新聞。正所謂知識就是力量,我們歐羅巴報將會慷慨地為你獻上知識(當然是在收取一定費用的前提下))

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