原神|生日郵件英語(莫娜 8月31日)~抱歉…

3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-11-04 15:11:56 作者:無眠英語ENG Language

原神|生日郵件英語(莫娜 8月31日)~抱歉…-第0張


I have been so busy with divination recently that I lost track of time and couldn't tell if it was day or night! I almost forgot which day of the week it was. Fortunately, the Editor-in-Chief of my column "All Things Astrological" sent a letter reminding me that the deadline for my latest manuscript was just around the corner.

Truly, when it rains it pours... I fear that I no longer have time to go out and celebrate my birthday.

But no matter what, today is an important day, and at the very least I must not short-change my precious friends.

Attached to this letter is a gift. It is the "Rainbow Rose" that the editor mentioned, and I hear this kind of flower is quite popular in Fontaine, so it is perfect for a gift.

And if you are willing, you can wish for me to finish my manuscript early. And the next time we meet, you can treat me to a bit of cake.


I have been so busy with divination recently that I lost track of time and couldn't tell if it was day or night! I almost forgot which day of the week it was.


Fortunately, the Editor-in-Chief of my column "All Things Astrological" sent a letter reminding me that the deadline for my latest manuscript was just around the corner.


Truly, when it rains it pours... I fear that I no longer have time to go out and celebrate my birthday.


But no matter what, today is an important day, and at the very least I must not short-change my precious friends.


Attached to this letter is a gift. It is the "Rainbow Rose" that the editor mentioned, and I hear this kind of flower is quite popular in Fontaine, so it is perfect for a gift.


And if you are willing, you can wish for me to finish my manuscript early. And the next time we meet, you can treat me to a bit of cake.



divination 占卜

lost track of time 忘記時間

Editor-in-Chief 主編

column (書、報紙印刷頁上的)欄

Astrological 占星的

manuscript 手稿

when it rains it pours 禍不單行

short-change 虧待;還有個意思是少找零錢

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