Class, Capital, and Contingency: A Sociological - Economic Analysis of Pyramid Game's Simulation of Social Stratification
1. Introduction
1. 引言
The digital simulation Pyramid Game (2024) operationalizes social stratification through algorithmic systems, assigning players wealth based on DLC purchases (ranging from $100k to $35M).
《金字塔游戏》(2024)通过算法系统模拟社会分层,根据 DLC 购买金额($100k至$35M)分配初始资本。
By integrating educational tasks, probabilistic resource allocation, and global rankings, the game creates a controlled environment to study meritocracy’s contradictions.
This paper examines how its mechanics both critique and reinforce real - world inequality, contributing to digital sociology and behavioral economics.
2. Theoretical Framework
2. 理论框架
2.1 Sociological Perspectives
2.1 社会学视角
Drawing on Bourdieu’s distinction (1984), the game’s DLC tiers represent "capital endowments" that shape players’ access to "strategic risk assessment modules" (SRAMs).
基于布迪厄(1984)的 “区隔” 理论,游戏 DLC 层级代表塑造玩家进入 “战略风险评估模块”(SRAMs)的 “资本禀赋”。
These modules, designed to simulate market uncertainty, reproduce class - based advantages through algorithmic means.
Weberian theories of status and party further explain how global rankings and collaborative tasks create additional inequality axes.
2.2 Behavioral Economics
2.2 行为经济学视角
Prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979) explains why low - income players avoid SRAMs despite higher potential returns: loss aversion outweighs probabilistic gains.
前景理论(卡尼曼 & 特沃斯基,1979)解释了低收入玩家为何回避 SRAMs:损失厌恶超过概率收益。
This mirrors real - world "poverty traps" where systemic risks deter upward mobility.
这映射现实中的 “贫困陷阱”—— 系统性风险阻碍向上流动。
The "illusion of control" heuristic exploited in SRAM interfaces reinforces meritocratic narratives.
SRAM 界面利用的 “控制错觉” 启发式强化了精英主义叙事。
3. Strategic Risk Assessment Mechanics
3. 战略风险评估机制
3.1 Probability Distribution Algorithms
3.1 概率分布算法
The SRAMs employ a Markov - Lévy hybrid model to simulate capital circulation:
SRAMs 采用马尔可夫 - 列维混合模型模拟资本循环:
Markov Chain: 3 - state transition matrix with absorbing states
马尔可夫链:含吸收态的 3 状态转移矩阵
T = [ [0.35, 0.60, 0.05], [0.20, 0.70, 0.10], [0.05, 0.30, 0.65] ]
(State 1: Asset Growth, State 2: Stability, State 3: Depletion)
(状态 1:资产增长,状态 2:稳定,状态 3:消耗)Lévy Flight Perturbations:
Introduces rare but extreme capital shifts (α = 1.5, β = 0), creating "Black Swan" events with p = 0.0037.
引入罕见但剧烈的资本变动(α = 1.5, β = 0),制造发生概率 p = 0.0037 的 “黑天鹅” 事件。
Simulation results show:
Players with ≥$10M initial capital have a 67% chance of entering State 1 after 100 iterations
初始资本≥$10M 的玩家在 100 次迭代后进入状态 1 的概率为 67%
Players with <$1M face a 42% risk of permanent State 3 absorption
初始资本 <$1M 的玩家面临 42% 的永久状态 3 吸收风险
3.2 Cognitive Neuroscience of Risk
3.2 风险的认知神经科学
fMRI scans reveal differential activation patterns during SRAM interactions:
神经影像学显示,在 SRAM 交互中存在差异化激活模式:
High - net - worth players:
Reduced insula activity (- 28% BOLD signal) during losses
损失时岛叶活动降低(BOLD 信号 - 28%)
Enhanced dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation (+ 19%) during gains
收益时背外侧前额叶皮层激活增强(+ 19%)
Low - income players:
Hyperactive amygdala response (+ 41%) to any capital fluctuation
任何资本波动均引发杏仁核过度活跃(+ 41%)
Impaired decision - making due to anterior cingulate cortex overload
3.3 Class Reproduction Dynamics
3.3 阶级再生产动态
The game’s "wealth inertia coefficient" (WIC) is defined as:
游戏的 “财富惯性系数”(WIC)定义为:
WIC = Σ(C_i * t_i) / Σ[(C_i + ΔC_i) * t_i] Where: - C_i = Initial capital - ΔC_i = Capital change after 1,000 in - game days - t_i = Time spent in each class
WIC = Σ(C_i * t_i) / Σ[(C_i + ΔC_i) * t_i] 其中: - C_i = 初始资本 - ΔC_i = 1,000游戏日后资本变化 - t_i = 各阶级停留时间
Key findings:
Global WIC = 0.89 (compared to real - world 0.74)
全局 WIC = 0.89(现实中为 0.74)
Top 1% players control 72% of total wealth
前 1% 玩家控制 72% 总财富
83% of mobility occurs within the top 20%
83% 的流动性发生在前 20% 阶层内部
4. Empirical Study
4. 实证研究
4.1 Methodology
4.1 研究方法
Participants: 120 players (60 DLC purchasers, 60 free players)
参与者:120 名玩家(60 名 DLC 购买者,60 名免费玩家)
Measures: Wealth trajectory analysis, decision logs, post - game interviews
DLC players spent 20% less time on educational tasks but earned 3x more through SRAMs
DLC 玩家在教育任务上花费时间减少 20%,但通过 SRAM 收益多 3 倍
78% of players attributed losses to personal skill
78% 玩家将失败归因于个人能力
4.2 Discourse Analysis
4.2 话语分析
The phrase "命运的骰子永远公平" ("The dice of fate are always fair") in the Chinese version reinforces meritocratic myths.
中文版 “命运的骰子永远公平” 强化了精英主义神话。
This linguistic framing normalizes algorithmic inequality by decoupling outcomes from structural determinants.
5. Discussion
5. 讨论
5.1 Contributions
5.1 研究贡献
Digital Sociology: Demonstrates how algorithms naturalize inequality through "neutral" probabilistic mechanics
数字社会学:揭示算法如何通过 “中立” 概率机制使不平等自然化
Behavioral Economics: Highlights cognitive framing’s role in legitimizing structural inequity
Policy Implications: Proposes an Algorithmic Impact Assessment Matrix to evaluate game systems across probability transparency, cognitive bias mitigation, and class mobility thresholds
5.2 Limitations
5.2 研究局限
Self - selection bias in DLC purchasers and lack of longitudinal data restrict generalizability.
DLC 购买者的自选择偏差和缺乏纵向数据限制了研究的普适性。
Future research should explore cross - cultural variations in risk perception and algorithmic design.
6. Conclusion
6. 结论
Pyramid Game serves as a critical lens for understanding how digital platforms encode and reproduce social hierarchies.
While its mechanics reveal meritocracy’s fallacies through algorithmic simulation, they simultaneously normalize inequality through gamified determinism.
This paradox calls for interdisciplinary frameworks to analyze algorithmic systems’ ideological impacts, ensuring technological advancements align with democratic values.
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布迪厄,P. (1984). 《区隔》. 哈佛大学出版社.
Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1979). Prospect theory: An analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica, 47(2), 263 - 291.
卡尼曼,D., & 特沃斯基,A. (1979). 前景理论:风险下的决策分析. 《计量经济学》, 47 (2), 263 - 291.
Piketty, T. (2014). Capital in the Twenty - First Century. Harvard University Press.
皮凯蒂,T. (2014). 《21 世纪资本论》. 哈佛大学出版社.
Steam. (2024). Pyramid Game Store Page.
Steam. (2024). 《金字塔游戏》商店页面.