原神|美食英语须弥篇~ 马萨拉芝士球 Masala Cheese Balls

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-05 10:31:51 作者:无眠英语ENG Language




现实中的原型应该是印度芝士球——Malai kofta,一种传统的北印度菜,由炸土豆、芝士球和奶油酱汁组成。这道菜是典型的莫卧儿菜肴,由莫卧儿帝国的厨师在中世纪发明,本质上是肉丸咖喱的素食版本。Malai kofta通常在节日、庆典和婚礼上供应。

原神|美食英语须弥篇~ 马萨拉芝士球 Masala Cheese Balls-第0张

原神|美食英语须弥篇~ 马萨拉芝士球 Masala Cheese Balls-第1张


An Aranara-style dish that Paimon drained her brain juice dry to improve. It is, in fact, a rather traditional recipe in Sumeru. The freshly cooked cheese balls give off a titillating aroma, for a special technique has been used to mix the spices into the dough. A small bite and you will see hot cheese oozing out immediately. Also, potatoes have been stewed till they softened properly. This creamy combination will keep you full for a long time.



原神|美食英语须弥篇~ 马萨拉芝士球 Masala Cheese Balls-第2张


An Aranara-style dish that Paimon drained her brain juice dry to improve. It is, in fact, a rather traditional recipe in Sumeru. The cheese balls are under-cooked, and as a result, you got a mouthful of half-melted cheese and coarse potato chunks. Fry it for a while longer next time, would you?


原神|美食英语须弥篇~ 马萨拉芝士球 Masala Cheese Balls-第3张


An Aranara-style dish that Paimon drained her brain juice dry to improve. It is, in fact, a rather traditional recipe in Sumeru. The spices were mixed with the other ingredients in a special way to bring out the most original scents. They awaken your taste buds and create a multi-layered flavor profile. The cheese balls are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. They go deliciously well with steamy hot potatoes.

taste bud 味蕾


原神|美食英语须弥篇~ 马萨拉芝士球 Masala Cheese Balls-第4张


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