原神|生日邮件英语(那维莱特 12月18日)~海沫村…

3楼猫 发布时间:2024-01-06 20:32:37 作者:无眠英语ENG Language

原神|生日邮件英语(那维莱特 12月18日)~海沫村…-第0张


According to our previous public pronouncements, it is my birthday today.

Furina's birthday is a public holiday, and it remains so to this day.

On the centenary of when I took up my post, someone proposed that my birthday should also be designated as a commemorative holiday. In actuality, I do not know the exact date of my birthday.

As the spring and fall weather in Fontaine is less than satisfactory, and I am not particularly fond of summer, I finally settled on this date.

In years past, on this day I would usually extricate myself from duties at the Court and go to Merusea Village, visiting the Melusines who lived there.

This time, I would like to invite you to come along with me. I have heard you are often traveling around Fontaine lately, and are well acquainted with many Melusines. If you were present, they would surely be overjoyed.

It was merely a sudden notion I had, I suppose I may be intruding. I prepared a gift by way of thanks. Should you be available, I look forward to meeting you.


According to our previous public pronouncements, it is my birthday today.

Furina's birthday is a public holiday, and it remains so to this day.



On the centenary of when I took up my post, someone proposed that my birthday should also be designated as a commemorative holiday. In actuality, I do not know the exact date of my birthday.



As the spring and fall weather in Fontaine is less than satisfactory, and I am not particularly fond of summer, I finally settled on this date.


In years past, on this day I would usually extricate myself from duties at the Court and go to Merusea Village, visiting the Melusines who lived there.


This time, I would like to invite you to come along with me. I have heard you are often traveling around Fontaine lately, and are well acquainted with many Melusines. If you were present, they would surely be overjoyed.



It was merely a sudden notion I had, I suppose I may be intruding. I prepared a gift by way of thanks. Should you be available, I look forward to meeting you.



pronouncement 声明;宣告

centenary 一百周年(纪念)

be designated as 被指定为,被任命为:指某人或某物被正式指定或任命为特定的角色、职位或身份

extricate 使解脱

notion 一时的念头,突发的奇想

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