
3楼猫 发布时间:2025-02-28 16:40:32 作者:GTAOL英文区 Language

将在线档案进度迁移到PC上的侠盗猎车手 5增强版后对玩家创建的任务和任务评级的影响

文案来源于Rockstar Support


Question: If I migrate my Online Profile to GTAV Enhanced on PC, how will it impact User Generated Content (UGC) I created, such as Missions and their Ratings?

问题:如果我将我的在线个人资料迁移到PC上的GTAV 增强版,它会如何影响我创建的用户生成内容(UGC),例如任务及其评级?

Answer: Migration of your Online Profile from GTAV Legacy to GTAV Enhanced will impact UGC in the following ways: 

答:将您的在线档案从GTAV 传承版迁移到GTAV 增强版将以以下方式影响UGC

Missions created by the player will be shared across their respective profiles


Any changes made to a mission on GTAV Legacy on PC will appear in GTAV Enhanced on PC

对PC上GTAV 传承版上的任务所做的任何更改都将显示在PC上的GTAV 增强版中

Missions created or edited in GTAV Enhanced on PC will not be available in GTAV Legacy on PC

在PC上GTAV 增强版中创建或编辑的任务将无法在PC上GTAV 传承版中使用

Player ratings for Rockstar Created Missions and Verified Missions will be shared between Legacy and Enhanced


If the player rates the content while playing GTAV Legacy on PC, it will also rate the Mission in GTAV Enhanced on PC

如果玩家在PC上玩GTAV 传承版时对内容进行了评分,则也会对GTAV 增强版在 PC上的差事进行评分


Migrating your Online Profile from GTAV Legacy to GTAV Enhanced on PC 

将您的在线配置文件从GTAV 传承版迁移到PC上的GTAV 增强版

Question: How can I migrate my Online Profile from GTAV Legacy to GTAV Enhanced on PC?

Answer: You can migrate your profile through either the GTA Online Landing Page or the Pause Menu in GTAV Enhanced.

问题:如何在PC上将我的在线配置文件从GTAV 传承版迁移到GTAV 增强版?

答:您可以通过GTA 在线模式登录页面或GTAV 增强版中的暂停菜单迁移您的配置文件。

Important: 重要

·Migrating GTAV Legacy progress to GTAV Enhanced may only be done within the PC platform,migrating from PC to console or console to PC is not supported.

将GTAV 传承版进度迁移到GTAV 增强版只能在PC平台内完成,不支持从PC迁移到主机或从主机迁移到PC。

·Some Profiles may not be eligible for migration for several reasons, such as account suspensions or bans, or the Profile having illegitimate or insufficient progress.


Notes: 注意事项

·Depending on your Online character and service load, migrations may take time to complete.


·Your Online Profile and respective progress in GTAV Legacy will be retained after your progress has been migrated to GTAV Enhanced. After migration is complete, progress in GTA Online will not be synced between GTAV Legacy and GTAV Enhanced Online Profiles.

在您的进度迁移到GTAV Enhanced之后,您的在线档案和GTAV Legacy中的相应进度将保留。迁移完成后,GTA Online中的进度将不会在GTAV 传承版和GTAV 增强版线上配置文件之间同步。

Landing Page 登录页面

Note: If you have already played GTA Online Enhanced, you must start your progress migration via the Pause Menu.


After choosing the Online option from the Landing Page in GTAV Enhanced you will be presented with a Migrate Profile screen. Choose the profile you wish to migrate to GTAV Enhanced. After confirming the Profile for migration, an alert screen will let you know when the migration successfully completes.

在GTAV 增强版的登录页面中选择“线上模式”(联机)选项后,您将看到“迁移数据”(迁移配置文件)屏幕。选择要迁移到GTAV 增强版的配置文件。确认迁移配置文件后,当迁移成功完成时,将出现一个警报屏幕来通知您。

Important: 重要

While your Online progress migration is underway you will be unable to enter Online in GTAV Legacy or GTAV Enhanced. Some Online migrations may take additional time to complete. When progress migrations are taking longer than expected, you will be prompted with an alert screen letting you know that it is safe to exit the migration screen while your migration is being processed.

当您的在线进度迁移正在进行时,您将无法在GTAV 传承版或GTAV 增强版中在线模式进入。某些在线迁移可能需要额外的时间才能完成。当进度迁移花费的时间比预期的要长时,系统会显示一个警告屏幕,提示您在处理迁移时可以安全地退出迁移屏幕。

After migration completes, you will be brought to the Review Character screen where you can choose to start a new character or continue with a migrated one


Choosing to continue with a new character will overwrite the existing character slot. In addition, if you haven't previously created a new character via the Career Builder in GTAV Enhanced, you will be brought to the Career Builder selection screen.

选择继续使用新角色将覆盖现有角色。此外,如果您之前没有通过GTAV 增强版中的职业建设器创建新角色,您将被带到职业建设器选择屏幕。

If you choose to continue with your existing character, you will enter GTA Online.


Pause Menu 暂停菜单

You can also migrate using the same steps above by bringing up the Pause Menu, selecting Online then selecting Migrate Profile.


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