《M.A.S.S. Builder》2022.1.1週報<2021回顧以及對2022的展望>

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-01-02 11:10:06 作者:森野橘子 Language


《M.A.S.S. Builder》2022.1.1週報<2021回顧以及對2022的展望>-第0張


Hello everyone, and welcome to the first piece of Saturday update of 2022. This week is a different kind of update, in which we'll be having a recap of 2021 and also what to expect in 2022. So how did 2021 turned out? Well, we weren't able to release as much update as we'd like, settling only to two major updates. The two, however, were quite large in itself.

0.6.0 was the release of challenge missions and the Panzer armor set. Panzer was a set that was designed based on militaristic looks of our modern world, and we had hoped at the time that it would provide players looking for those aesthetics an armor set they can use as a base for their creations, which we've seen at this point that the Panzer had fulfilled its purpose nicely. Challenge missions, on that same note, had been grounds for players to test their mettle, breaking records against each other, and finding their best tuning. It was quite fun for us developers to watch as each of you discuss what's best to use for each playstyle, using less and less time to complete the boss rush, surviving much longer than we expected in battlegrounds, and more. It was also a great help in clarifying how broken some of them mechanics that we had in our game, and how to fix them.

0.7.0 then, was one of the biggest update we've added into the game in terms of customization. Accessories was a concept we'd like to add into the game as soon as possible, but the scale was so large that we had to prepare everything like base armors, basic functions and infrastructures, and more into the game before we were able to work on it. Its completion was finally an opening of a floodgate and we saw your M.A.S.S. evolved to the next level. We'd like to say we're more than surprise at some of them and every week there's something much much more than we know out there showing in social media and the screenshots area. We didn't even know how some of you managed to create awe-inspiring units or change the whole aesthetics of a bipedal into something much more. You're even better than us in using those systems.

Then comes the problematic 0.8.0 which promises new launchers and a lot of reworks. It's much more than we expected and we can only say that we'll try our best to finish it as soon as possible. As you're reading this, we're probably still working on it, be it testing and balancing and more. But let's not stop ourselves here, let's talk about the future.

2022 will be a year that will have at most three major updates coming, version 0.9.0 / 0.10.0 / 0.11.0. So what are they bringing to the table? 0.9.0 was first planned as a complete multiplayer update, but we've decided against that. The new 0.9.0 plan is to finish it in at most four months with new contents to the game, and to test out a multiplayer lobby system where players can enter into an area together, but with no goals to work towards. This is to check if everything can work out correctly with as few bugs as possible, before we work towards both PvP and PvE and release it in 0.10.0 that should happen a few months later. It's like we're breaking the old 0.9.0 into two updates instead of one truly large one, still, it will take about the same amount of time as we wanted before. And honestly, 0.11.0 is something that's unknown to us as well since we'll need to see whether 0.9.0 and 0.10.0 performs as expected or not and whether we need to adapt our schedule or workflow towards something of priority.

That will be all for today, we'd like to say, thank you for following us through our journey from the start, and we hope to deliver a better 2022 to every one of you. Happy new year!






2022年將是一個最多有三個主要更新的一年,版本0.9.0 / 0.10.0 / 0.11.0。那麼他們會帶著什麼內容來到你們的面前呢?0.9.0最初計劃是發佈一個完整的多人遊戲系統更新,但我們已經決定不這麼做了。0.9.0的新計劃是在最多四個月的時間內完成新內容,並測試多人遊戲大廳系統,玩家可以一起進入一個區域,但沒有目標。這是為了在我們同時開發PvP和PvE之前,檢查一切是否能夠在bug儘可能少的情況下正常運行,並在幾個月後發佈到0.10.0。簡單來說,我們將舊的0.9.0分解成兩個更新,而不是一個真正的大更新,不過它仍將花費和我們之前設想那樣多的時間。坦白地說,0.11.0對我們來說也是未知的,因為我們需要看看0.9.0和0.10.0是否能按照預期運行,以及我們是否需要調整我們的計劃或工作流程,使得某個項目更有優先級。


《M.A.S.S. Builder》2022.1.1週報<2021回顧以及對2022的展望>-第1張


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