原神|角色故事英語~柯萊 柯里安巴 Cuilein-Anbar

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-10-31 03:55:56 作者:無眠英語ENG Language


To grow up is to best one's immature past self.



縫補玩具mend toys

劃破tear up

Collei often helps the children in Gandharva Ville mend toys, and her Forest Rangers colleagues also occasionally ask her to help patch their clothes when they get torn up by branches.


That said, Collei was by no means born a seamstress. As a matter of fact, her first attempt at sewing was nothing short of a disaster.


It was when Collei was about to leave Mondstadt. Right before she left, she handed a piece of repaired old clothes to Lisa, hoping that she could return it to its original owner, Amber, on her behalf.



The piece was indeed repaired, but also covered in stitches so twisted that one could potentially mistake them for earthworms. In all likelihood, it was no longer possible for its owner to ever wear it out again.


She was afraid that Lisa would laugh at her or criticize her.


To her surprise, Lisa just gently took Collei's hands, hidden as they had been behind her back, and carefully bandaged the injuries.


She was not even slightly surprised by all the injuries, deep or shallow, on Collei's fingertips. She just casually commented, "Why, it almost looks as if someone's been bouncing Wolfhooks across their hands all night, as if they were balls."


"Don't be this impatient with your studies in Sumeru, little Collei," Lisa said with a smile. "There's always a first time for everything, and learning to overcome the difficulties you encountered during that first time is where the meaning of growing up lies."


Collei instantly blushed. She had not quite learned how to accept the kindness of others back then.


But she was just a child, and children grow up.


The desperate child would grow up and discover hope once again. A child who could not use a slingshot at all gradually learned how to aim.



That child who was once constantly injured by a needle has also slowly grown up to be an ingenious role model in the eyes of other children.


In Gandharva Ville, children gather around Collei, chittering with envy and excitement.


"You're so skillful! What a pretty cat!" "Collei, does it have a name?"


Collei, for once, felt so proud of herself. She held up the exquisite cat doll, all fine stitches and perfect needlework.


"This is — Cuilein-Anbar!"

原神|角色故事英語~柯萊 柯里安巴 Cuilein-Anbar-第0張


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