游戏英语精读 240203

3楼猫 发布时间:2024-02-03 23:32:39 作者:麦叔叔的书房 Language

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Top 10 Spider-Man Games: Part 4

3. Marvel's Spider-Man (2018)

Platform: PS4

Developer: Insomniac

Speaking of those Insomniac games, Marvel's Spider-Man is a modern classic. Insomniac left no stone unturned in gamifying the Spidey experience, with intuitive web-slinging, fluid combat, a deep closet of alternate suits, and a sprawling New York City map which made gunning for 100% completion a challenge well-worth undertaking. And it all looks fantastic, no matter which of Peter Parker's faces you prefer. This is the
blockbuster Spider-Man game that fulfilled the dreams of many spider-fans.
What sets Marvel's Spider-Man apart is its emotionally rich story, which stands shoulder to shoulder with just about anything we’ve seen in movies. Peter's struggle to balance his own wants and needs against the demands of being a superhero is at the heart of most great Spider-Man stories, and this one's no exception. Years deep into being Spidey, Insomniac's Peter Parker is repeatedly forced to make difficult choices with consequences that reverberate through the rest of his life, and the wonderful performances from voice actors like Yuri Lowenthal and Laura Bailey sell those stakes every step of the way.

2. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020)

Platform: PS4, PS5

Developer: Insomniac

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is less a true sequel than an expansion of Insomniac’s first Spidey game. But when the original ranks among the best superhero games ever made, is that such a bad thing? Spider-Man: Miles Morales subtly refines the formula and gives the rookie Spidey his own well-deserved spotlight. The stakes of the story and the scope of Miles’ story may be smaller, but the experience is no less compelling because of it. If anything, Miles Morales shows the value of a shorter, more contained Spider-Man game. This may well be the best depiction of Miles in any medium, celebrating the character’s unique place in the Marvel Universe and his fundamental connection to the New York neighborhood of Harlem. This game definitively proves that you don’t need Peter Parker to make a great Spider-Man adventure.

1. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (2023)

Platform: PS5

Developer: Insomniac

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a triumph; Insomniac just keeps getting better and better at making Spider-Man games. There’s no disputing that it’s more of the same to some degree, but the improvements layered on top of the excellent combat and web-slinging absolutely make this a crowning achievement. Getting to seamlessly switch between Peter Parker and Miles Morales keeps the gameplay fresh, and the addition of web wings to help fly across the vastly expanded city alongside traditional swinging is a godsend. Moreover, the story of Kraven’s hunt and the Venom symbiote is as impactful as it is exciting, with fantastic performances from the whole cast giving it a hefty emotional weight. The next one might be even better, but for now, as far as the IGN staff is concerned this is the best Spider-Man game ever made.


1. Left no stone unturned: to try every possible course of action in order to find or achieve sth. 千方百计、想尽办法;
2. Gamify: 游戏化;
3. Intuitive: easy to understand and to use. 易懂的、使用简便的;
4. Alternate: You use alternate to describe a plan, idea, or system which is different from the one already in operation and can be used instead of it. 供替换的;
5. Sprawling: spreading in an untidy way. 蔓延的、杂乱无序延展的;
6. Gunning for: to be competing for or trying hard to get sth. 竭力谋求,力图获取,寻求(某物);
7. Blockbuster: A blockbuster is a film or book that is very popular and successful, usually because it is very exciting. 大片、畅销书;
8. Shoulder to shoulder: side by side and close together. 团结一致;
9. Reverberate: You can say that an event or idea reverberates when it has a powerful effect which lasts a long time. 产生反响;
10. Stake: If you have a stake in something such as a business, it matters to you, for example because you own part of it or because its success or failure will affect you. (商业等中的) 利害关系;
11. Sequel: A book or movie which is a sequel to an earlier one continues the story of the earlier one. (书或电影的) 续篇、续集;
12. Subtly: 精细地、巧妙地、敏锐地;
13. Refine: If something such as a process, theory, or machine is refined, it is improved by having small changes made to it. 完善;
14. Spotlight: A spotlight is a powerful light, for example in a theatre, which can be directed so that it lights up a small area. (剧院等的) 聚光灯;
15. Depiction: A depiction of something is a picture or a written description of it. 描画、描述;
16. Fundamental: You use fundamental to describe something which exists at a deep and basic level, and is therefore likely to continue. 根本的;
17. Triumph: A triumph is a great success or achievement, often one that has been gained with a lot of skill or effort. 胜利、成就;
18. Dispute: A dispute is an argument or disagreement between people or groups. 争论;
19. Layer: If you layer something, you arrange it in layers. 分层放置;
20. Crowning: A crowning moment or achievement is the greatest one in a series. 最伟大的;
21. Seamlessly: 无缝地;
22. Godsend: If you describe something as a godsend, you are emphasizing that it helps you very much. 天赐之助、及时雨;
23. Symbiote: 共生生物,这里指毒液;
24. Hefty: A hefty movement is done with a lot of force. 有力的;

Top 10 Spider-Man Games: Part 4


3. Marvel's Spider-Man (2018)

Platform: PS4
Developer: Insomniac
Speaking of those Insomniac games, Marvel's Spider-Man is a modern classic. Insomniac left no stone unturned in gamifying the Spidey experience, with intuitive web-slinging, fluid combat, a deep closet of alternate suits, and a sprawling New York City map which made gunning for 100% completion a challenge well-worth undertaking. And it all looks fantastic, no matter which of Peter Parker's faces you prefer. This is the blockbuster Spider-Man game that fulfilled the dreams of many spider-fans.
What sets Marvel's Spider-Man apart is its emotionally rich story, which stands shoulder to shoulder with just about anything we’ve seen in movies. Peter's struggle to balance his own wants and needs against the demands of being a superhero is at the heart of most great Spider-Man stories, and this one's no exception. Years deep into being Spidey, Insomniac's Peter Parker is repeatedly forced to make difficult choices with consequences that reverberate through the rest of his life, and the wonderful performances from voice actors like Yuri Lowenthal and Laura Bailey sell those stakes every step of the way.

2. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020)

Platform: PS4, PS5
Developer: Insomniac
Spider-Man: Miles Morales is less a true sequel than an expansion of Insomniac’s first Spidey game. But when the original ranks among the best superhero games ever made, is that such a bad thing? Spider-Man: Miles Morales subtly refines the formula and gives the rookie Spidey his own well-deserved spotlight. The stakes of the story and the scope of Miles’ story may be smaller, but the experience is no less compelling because of it. If anything, Miles Morales shows the value of a shorter, more contained Spider-Man game. This may well be the best depiction of Miles in any medium, celebrating the character’s unique place in the Marvel Universe and his fundamental connection to the New York neighborhood of Harlem. This game definitively proves that you don’t need Peter Parker to make a great Spider-Man adventure.

1. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (2023)

Platform: PS5
Developer: Insomniac
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a triumph; Insomniac just keeps getting better and better at making Spider-Man games. There’s no disputing that it’s more of the same to some degree, but the improvements layered on top of the excellent combat and web-slinging absolutely make this a crowning achievement. Getting to seamlessly switch between Peter Parker and Miles Morales keeps the gameplay fresh, and the addition of web wings to help fly across the vastly expanded city alongside traditional swinging is a godsend. Moreover, the story of Kraven’s hunt and the Venom symbiote is as impactful as it is exciting, with fantastic performances from the whole cast giving it a hefty emotional weight. The next one might be even better, but for now, as far as the IGN staff is concerned this is the best Spider-Man game ever made.

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