
3樓貓 發佈時間:2024-09-03 14:32:29 作者:Lingomancy話術研 Language

另一方面,《逆轉》的本地化策略竊以為並不是100%可取。從第一部《Ace Attorney》開始,整個故事的設定就被從日本搬到了美國。這樣一來固然順理成章地甩掉了很多隻有日本人才懂的奇怪的梗,總的來說卻有點矯枉過正。以《無罪》的情況來看,理論上設定是中國的故事,實際上使用的既非中國法律也非中國庭審流程,角色臺詞風格也很國際化(逆轉裁判化),沒必要全盤搬家。只要把角色名字都改成英語即可,姓氏大可以保留中文。這樣一來故事背景就是“未特別指明的亞洲國家,服飾偏中國”。既給予了用角色名字玩雙關語和邏輯陷阱的餘地(英語first name),也保留了相當的文化身份(中文last name)。
雷冬雪:主角,新手律師。英文名Luna Lei(一半沿用現有的)。後面小梅稱呼她“小冬雪”(樣品段落中沒有)時叫Lulu。
龍秋風:主角的老闆,律師事務所所長。英文名Charlie Loong。一般沿用現有的,龍姓在拼音基礎上多加一個o,以免顯得像“長查理”。人設是外貌不修邊幅的老狐狸。
馬思竹:這段戲的證人。英文名Jack Ma(joke intended)。人設是話癆得讓人不適的美女。
審判長:不過這位證人……你的名字,是叫馬思竹沒錯吧? Judge: Now, witness. Your name is… um, Jack Ma, is it?
馬思竹:………………耶! Jack Ma: …Yep!
馬思竹:說得沒錯!本小姐就是大唐藝術園的導遊!馬思竹! Jack Ma: Exactly right! Jack Ma, tour guide of the Museum of Traditional Arts, at your service! //“大唐藝術園”(實指大唐芙蓉園)整個換掉。外國人完全不知道這是個什麼所在,一百平米還是一萬平米也感覺不出來。反正序章內容裡也沒有此地的正面描寫,換成傳統藝術博物館。
雷冬雪:…………啊?!為什麼會是個漢服美女啊? Luna Lei: No way!!! How can you be a Jack?! //“漢服”也沒空餘地方解釋,而且根本就非本句的重點。非要貿然跑出來一個很扎眼的詞很容易被錯認為本句重點。
馬思竹:……哎?本小姐不能是嗎? Jack Ma: Huh? Can't I? Jack for Jacqueline, problem? //這就是為什麼這個角色要叫Jack Ma。也可以叫Sam(Samathan和Samuel)或者Alex(Alexanda和Alexandra)等,但是Jack/Jacqueline相對比較少見,不會顯得主角少見多怪。
雷冬雪:等、等等,為什麼沒有人提前告訴我這個馬思竹,是個這樣的人啊? Luna Lei: N-no! It's just that nobody told me! I thought Jack was… just Jack!
陳默:老、老夫還以為你早就知道了呢,所以才想看看,她要怎麼才能變裝成死者…… Arthur Chen: I thought you knew. It was a truly interesting theory, I thought, that a girl was impersonating a man.
雷冬雪:(我怎麼有種自己被人耍了的感覺啊!) Luna Lei: (Wait, am I the only fool in this room?)
審判長:證人,這裡是嚴肅的法庭,你怎麼這副打扮就進來了? Judge: The court was expecting the witness to dress more… formally, for this occasion. //審判長也是老頭,而且鑑於身份,平時措辭會比較嚴肅。給偶爾不嚴肅的時候打反差。
陳默:這、這個,主要是因為傳喚比較匆忙…… Arthur Chen: Apologies, Your Honor. We summoned her a hurry, so—
馬思竹:畢竟人家的工作,就是穿著漢服踩在不倒翁底座上搖擺,表演“漢服不倒翁”呀! Jack Ma: This is my work uniform! The museum is all about traditional arts, right? So they have us dressed up like goddesses in old paintings and suspended with cables and pulleys. Oh that gentle sway! Very goddess-y! //“漢服不倒翁”也是完全無法解釋的東西。改成吊威亞扮仙女。至於為什麼是仙女……
龍秋風:怪不得她總是搖搖晃晃的,我都快被晃暈了…… Charlie Loong: Her gentle sway is making me dizzy… //就因為這一句,再加上此角色的屏顯動畫經常搖來搖去。雖然不倒翁沒了,“搖”依舊是一個不可迴避的要素。權衡博物館、導遊等新設定,吊威亞相對比較說得通。
馬思竹:這位檢察官爺爺,說什麼都要本小姐過來! Jack Ma: Then I got a call from Gramps Prosecutor there, telling me to come.
馬思竹:聽說法庭有生意做,我衣服都沒有換,直接從底座上跳下來,哎嘿!就一路飛奔過來啦! Jack Ma: I'd better be quick when the court calls, right? So I hopped off the rig and ran all the way here! Yep, that I did! //用臺詞風格塑造角色性格。這個角色除了講話囉嗦之外還會經常“right?”收尾,額外更煩。
馬思竹:在不倒翁上晃了幾年,跑起來腳步都輕盈了!現在本小姐,走路一點聲音都沒有! Jack Ma: Speaking of! This job has its perks!  Being airborne all the time, now I walk without a sound and run super fast!
雷冬雪:(你就不能坐輛車嗎!) Luna Lei: (Try calling a ride next time. It's faster.)
雷冬雪:那個,證人…… Luna Lei: So, Ms. Ma — //主角稱呼證人以Ms. Ma為主,為了後面嚴肅起來(換稱呼)打反差。
馬思竹:咳!既然來了—— Jack Ma: Now that I' here! AHEM!
雷冬雪:……哎? Luna Lei: Um, what now?
馬思竹:各位鄉親,各位父老!本小姐雖然來了法院,但導遊工作還是要搞! Jack Ma: Welcome, everyone! Gather around and prepare to step back in time!
馬思竹:即興開始現場演出,專門娛樂人的大腦!歡迎大家前來觀看,有錢給點沒錢拉倒! Jack Ma: Don't worry, we'll avoid the dinosaurs and stick to the slightly less ancient fine arts! //吆喝詞全改。重點不是讓它顯得更像中文的吆喝詞(愛押韻),而是更像英文的自然吆喝詞。在日常吆喝和廣告的基礎上格外誇張化處理,生怕顯得正經。
龍秋風:現在可不是吆喝的時候,我們還是迴歸案件吧。 Charlie Loong: No peddling, please. Let's focus on the case.
馬思竹:哎?是這樣嗎?好吧! Jack Ma: Huh? Was I peddling? Oh, I guess I was.
馬思竹:本來我還想說,就算不來景點玩,這身漢服我們也有在賣的! Jack Ma: I was like, there are so many ears here, right? Should I advertise the museum or my own shop? //語義輕微修改,從一種吆喝到另一種吆喝過渡更自然。
馬思竹:無論漢服、戲服、玩偶服,本小姐都瞭解得很。若有需求,歡迎來詢呀! Jack Ma: Boutique fashion, cosplay props, mascot costumes, I make them all!
馬思竹:本小姐還擅長手工,咱這身行頭都是自己做的,絕對保證精巧,不浪費一點材料呀! Jack Ma: Like what I'm wearing? Well, made it myself! Master craftsmanship and unbeatable prices!
馬思竹:有興趣記得關注本小姐的手工作坊哦! Jack Ma: Follow Jack's Workshop on social networks for a nice discount!
雷冬雪:(可真是個敬業的打工人啊……) Luna Lei: (Well, at least someone is really passionate about their job today…)
審判長:嗯……親眼見到這位證人以後才知道,果然就和牛警官說的一樣…… Judge: Hmm. Now I see what Ms. Niu meant.
審判長:想讓她偽裝成死者進行直播,根本就是不可能的吧? Judge: To have this lovely lady impersonating the victim in front of the audience is entirely impossible.
雷冬雪:呃……本著嚴謹的態度,我覺得不能就這樣妄下結論! Luna Lei: Um, excuse me, Your Honor. It's highly unlikely, but not entirely impossible. There's a subtle difference. Technically. Yeah… right. //配合場景,弱化氣勢(去掉感嘆號),強化心虛(明顯的過度辯解和自我安慰)。
雷冬雪:(而且我好不容易把她交上來,總得問出點東西才行!) Luna Lei: (C'mon! Whatever happens, I can't admit defeat just yet!)
雷冬雪:證人,經過之前的審理,我們懷疑你在案發當天——也就是8月8日…… Luna Lei: OK, Ms. Ma. So far into the hearing, the defense is interested in your whereabouts on August 8, the day of the alleged murder.
雷冬雪:有進入案發現場的嫌疑……對此,你可以解釋一下自己昨天都幹了什麼嗎? Luna Lei: The defense believe you may be present at the scene of the incident. Please share with us your exact location and activities on that day.
陳默:唔!唔!讓證人作證,好像是老夫的職責……? Arthur Chen: Asking the witness to testify is the responsibility of the prosecution. Hmmm, I think. //絕大多數情況下語氣詞都要慎重決定,一般來說原樣照搬都不合適。語言之間的語氣詞模式差別往往極大,照搬之後要麼不表意要麼表錯意。像此處兩個“唔!”就只會讓人不解其意。
雷冬雪:(虧您還想得起來啊!) Luna Lei: (Duh!)
審判長:辯護方的要求不無道理。證人,請按照她的要求進行做證吧。 Judge: The defense's request is reasonable. Please testify.
馬思竹:哇哦!是要本小姐給各位導遊?那就請各位瞧好了! Jack Ma: Giving a tour, huh! Sit tight! The show is about to begin!
馬思竹:哎嘿,本小姐我呀,那天的確來到了這個小區,目的是為了採風! Jack Ma: August 8, right? I was there at the community for a field tour!
馬思竹:這小區的房子,看起來都是中式古宅不是嗎!景區老闆讓我好好觀摩學習! Jack Ma: The community is full of traditional architecture, right? They told us to go there and watch! "Enrich your knowledge" were the exact words!
馬思竹:我14:00從景區下了中午班就趕過來,應該是在14:30左右到達了這個小區? Jack Ma: So I went over right after my shift, around 14:00, and arrived by 14:30, give or take. //換算成 2:00 PM 亦可,不換亦可。12小時制主要是美國習慣,沒必要在這麼細節的地方也遷就。遊戲設定在亞洲,24小時制很常用,如原樣即可。
馬思竹:因為還要趕回去上晚班,我不到17:00就離開了。期間沒有進過任何一間屋子的啦! Jack Ma: I got another gig in the evening, so I left before 17:00. Didn't enter any of them houses while I was there!
陳默:怎麼樣……辯護方,證人的表演看起來不錯吧? Arthur Chen: Indeed, that was a splendid show.
雷冬雪:(您就真當成演出來看了啊!) Luna Lei: (We're not here for a show, gramps!)
審判長:那麼,辯護方,你對這位證人怎麼看? Judge: Defense, what do you make of the testimony?
雷冬雪:唔……這段簡短的證詞,乍聽之下似乎沒什麼問題。龍叔,我該怎麼辦啊? Luna Lei: Her testimony is too short to make anything out of it. What should we do?
龍秋風:這種證詞很少的證人,我們通常需要更加仔細地追問才行。 Charlie Loong: There's not much to start with, but we can always press her for more.
龍秋風:說不定會有什麼新的情報出現在她的回答中。 Charlie Loong: In the process, we may find more juicy bits.
雷冬雪:我明白了。總之……證人,我要開始詢問了。請做好準備吧。 Luna Lei: I see. I have a few questions about your testimony, Ms. Ma. Please answer to the best of your ability.
馬思竹:好呀!有不明白的地方,就由本導遊來一一講解! Jack Ma: Sure thing! As your tour guide, I have answers to all your questions!
馬思竹:哎嘿,本小姐我呀,那天的確來到了這個小區,目的是為了採風! Jack Ma: August 8, right? I was there at the community for a field tour!
雷冬雪:採風?你來這裡採什麼風? Luna Lei: A field tour? In a residential community?
馬思竹:嘿?律師小姐不知道嗎?喜逸雍宅是一座全國聞名的仿古建築小區啊! Jack Ma: Haute-Tête Estate is a famous project of traditional architecture! Don't tell me you don't know that? //“喜逸雍宅”諧音“凶宅”,遊戲中有角色聽錯表示震驚的情節。為了顧全這個包袱,英文版也要有【合理的】諧音名字。但是“haunted”這個詞在英語裡不太好諧,所以用法語,Haute-Tête。法語發音跟haunted一點都不像,但是這個並不重要。只要在英文版裡讓角色們全都不懂法語、按英語習慣去尬念然後鬧笑話就OK了。在這方面譯者擁有神的威能,只要讓所有角色都認定某設定是這樣的,該設定就順理成章自然而然了。為什麼非得要用“haunted”當題眼?因為這關係到另一個設計,這段戲裡沒出現的某角色的網名。在此不贅述。
雷冬雪:哎?有這麼回事嗎? Luna Lei: Huh? Am I missing something?
陳默:唔!唔!這個描述,是真實的。這座小區的建築的確十分考究,在國風圈很有名…… Arthur Chen: Indeed. The community is a de facto art project, very famous for its architectural design.
雷冬雪:(我看它現在在凶宅圈才更有名吧!) Luna Lei: (Now famous-er as a murder site.)
雷冬雪:那麼,你考察的具體內容是什麼? Luna Lei: What exactly was your field tour about?
馬思竹:總的來說嘛…… Jack Ma: Well, about that—
馬思竹:這小區的房子,看起來都是中式古宅不是嗎!景區老闆讓我好好觀摩學習! Jack Ma: The community is full of traditional architecture, right? They told us to go there and watch! "Enrich your knowledge" were the exact words!
雷冬雪:你說的“景區”,指的就是那個大唐藝術園,對嗎? Luna Lei: By "they," you mean the management of the Museum of Traditional Arts?
馬思竹:哎嘿嘿,沒錯!咳嗯—— Jack Ma: Yep yep yay! AHEM!
馬思竹:瞧一瞧看一看了啊!大唐藝術園門票全場大甩賣了啊!全場兩百塊!統統兩百塊! Jack Ma: Buy one ticket, bring your entire friend list for free! Yep, even that friend from preschool you barely remember! //改換成英語式sales pitch,cheesy指數300%
馬思竹:買不了吃虧,買不了上當!兩百塊你去不了新加坡,兩百塊你去不了泰國! Jack Ma: Our deals are so good, competitors shop here too!
審判長:等、等一下!請證人不要在法庭上叫賣! Judge: The witness shall refrain from soliciting in a court of law, if you please.
馬思竹:哎嘿嘿,不好意思。一聽到咱們景區的名字,就管不住這嘴,習慣了、習慣了! Jack Ma: Oops, sorry! I do that out of reflex when people mention the museum's full name. Occupational habits die hard!
雷冬雪:……你們這到底是景區還是菜市場啊! Luna Lei: …Is peddling part of your tour guide responsibilities?
馬思竹:哎呀,本小姐除了當導遊,還有份在上場做銷售的兼職,偶爾也會搞混啦! Jack Ma: Nope! On top of that, I have another gig as a promotion girl. Multi-occupational habits die harder, heh heh!
雷冬雪:呃,你居然還能同時打兩份工?如果這樣的話,你的時間觀念應該很強吧? Luna Lei: Um, you work two jobs? That requires some serious time management skills.
馬思竹:那當然!不準時,可是會被扣工資的!所以我記得很清楚—— Jack Ma: You bet! Better not get the time wrong or else they'd cut my pay! So I absolutely remember that—
馬思竹:我14:00從景區下了中午班就趕過來,應該是在14:30左右到達了這個小區? Jack Ma: So I went over right after my shift, around 14:00, and arrived by 14:30, give or take.
雷冬雪:下了班還要去考察,莫非你這是在……加班嗎? Luna Lei: A field trip for business purposes after work. That should count as overtime.
馬思竹:哇哦!律師小姐你好敏銳!老闆的確給本小姐撥了一筆考察經費! Jack Ma: Totally! Are you one of them labor lawyers, miss? Yep! The manager did pay me extra for overtime!
馬思竹:一聽說有加班費,我一下班就立刻打車衝到那小區了!我們老闆還報銷往來交通呢! Jack Ma: If there's money, I don't complain! So I called a ride and went over to Haute-Tête Estate right away! You know what? The company's covering the ride fare, too!
雷冬雪:什麼?!我來這個法院打官司的交通都沒人報銷! Luna Lei: Whaaaaat?! My employer doesn't pay my ride fare!
龍秋風:喂喂,怎麼連你都被帶跑了…… Charlie Loong: Focus on the case, Luna. Focus!
馬思竹:對了律師小姐,你們事務所缺打雜的嗎?本小姐每週六下午還有點空餘時間! Jack Ma: Say, Miss Lawyer, do you need an errand girl or something at the office? I'm free on Saturdays!
雷冬雪:呃,保潔的話我們還是有的。請不要在法庭上找兼職,趕緊說回正題吧! Luna Lei: Ugh, we're good. Thank you for the offer. Let's go back to the subject.
馬思竹:正題……是什麼來著? Jack Ma: The subject was… what again?
雷冬雪:那個,對,你還記得自己在小區裡待了多久嗎? Luna Lei: It's a good ques— Oh right, do you remember how long you stayed there?
馬思竹:因為還要趕回去上晚班,我不到17:00就離開了。期間沒有進過任何一間屋子的啦! Jack Ma: I got another gig in the evening, so I left before 17:00. Didn't enter any of them houses while I was there!
雷冬雪:不到17:00就離開了,那就是差不多兩個小時了……這段時間,你一直在考察嗎? Luna Lei: Before 17:00… That makes a period of about two hours. You've been… what, appreciating the architecture the whole time?
馬思竹:當然啦,畢竟古宅有那麼多,區區兩個小時,哪裡顧得上! Jack Ma: Of course! The architecture design's sublime and there are so many houses. Two hours was nowhere near enough!
龍秋風:冬雪,如果你堅持認為這位證人曾經出入過案發現場……就得讓她多說點什麼。 Charlie Loong: Luna, if you're aiming to make her admit having entered the crime scene, you've got to try harder.
雷冬雪:唔……的確,目前她的證詞信息量實在太少了。我想想看…… Luna Lei: Hmmm. Yeah, she's really not saying much. Let me think…
雷冬雪:證人,在這兩個小時裡,你都考察到了什麼內容,方便分享一下嗎? Luna Lei: Now, Ms. Ma. Can you share with us what exactly you saw during these two hours?
馬思竹:哎呀?不會吧!律師小姐要當本小姐的……競爭對手嗎! Jack Ma: Eeeeh? No way! That's what it's called again? Right! Conflict of interest!
雷冬雪:……不,我還沒有轉行的打算!只是想驗證你證詞的真實性! Luna Lei: …Nope. We're not even in the same trade! I'm just trying to verify what you said.
陳默:老、老夫打斷一下……這個問題,看起來涉及證人的行業機密?大概? Arthur Chen: Umm… Sorry to interrupt, if I may? That could breach non-disclosure agreements she signed with her employer? Maybe?
陳默:如果有什麼對景區方面的保密合同之類的,會比較難辦。你一定要讓證人分享嗎? Arthur Chen: That can be a problem. Do you want to go on?
雷冬雪:唔,陳檢說得也不無道理。我要堅持讓她分享自己的考察經歷嗎? Luna Lei: Right, gramps does make some sense. Should I insist?
雷冬雪:這是涉及到案件的關鍵信息,證詞方面當然是越細節越好。 Luna Lei: Her testimony is critical to this proceeding. Of course we need to learn as much as possible.
雷冬雪:本案是涉及殺人的重大刑事案件,保密協議之類的商業合同,理應做出讓步。 Luna Lei: Since this is a murder case, commercial contracts must give way should there be any conflict.
陳默:好、好吧……那就麻煩證人對當天的所見進行說明了。 Arthur Chen: Ah, right. Ms. Ma, please testify.
馬思竹:哎呀!既然大家都這麼要求了,萬一領導問起來,可要幫人家解釋呀! Jack Ma: Sure thing! Since you all ask for it, please cover my back if my manager gets mad!
陳默:這……好、好吧。辯護方!到時候就拜託你了! Arthur Chen: That, uh— The defense will certainly help you with that!
雷冬雪:(……您這鍋甩得倒挺快啊!) Luna Lei: (We're in this together, gramps!)
馬思竹:我進了B區就流連忘返了,這裡有超多的古宅啊!我看了兩個多小時都沒有看完! Jack Ma: I kinda lost track of time there. Soooo many hous— No! Pieces of fine traditional architectural art! Two hours went in a blink!
雷冬雪:多虧了這位證人,我的腦子裡都是商場大甩賣的聲音了…… Luna Lei: Ugh. Her excessively upbeat energy and peddling pitches are giving me one heck of a headache.
龍秋風:嗯。不過和那位乾淨利落、又願意提供信息的牛警官比起來,她的證詞要短得多了。 Charlie Loong: I feel your pain. Plus, unlike Ms. Niu, who cut straight to the chase, this witness is saying a whole lot while not really saying anything at all. //牛警官是前一個證人,實際上已經不是警官了。
雷冬雪:唔……這麼一說還真是的。有可能她在上庭前,就已經考慮過自己的發言了。 Luna Lei: I see what you mean. Her testimony could be a rehearsed script.
龍秋風:有可能。就像我和你說的:說得越多,錯的越多。 Charlie Loong: That's one possibility. Just remember what I told you. The more you say, the more likely you trip over yourself.
龍秋風:如果你覺得這位證人有問題,就抓住時機追問,她遲早要露出馬腳。 Charlie Loong: If you catch something that seems off, just press the hell out of it until she falls.
馬思竹:我進了B區就流連忘返了,這裡有超多的古宅啊!我看了兩個多小時都沒有看完! Jack Ma: I kinda lost track of time there. Soooo many hous— No! Pieces of fine traditional architectural art! Two hours went in a blink!
雷冬雪:你確定,自己在喜逸雍宅的B區,考察了“超多”的古宅嗎? Luna Lei: Are you sure? That there are "soooo many" houses in Zone B of Haute-Tête Estate?
馬思竹:嘿?那當然啦!不但數量超多,樣式也是五花八門呢。 Jack Ma: Huh? I know what I saw, right? So many fine houses in so many styles!
馬思竹:這裡的房子很多,面積又大。看得我是眼花繚亂啊! Jack Ma: It's a huuuuuge place! I was kinda overwhelmed!
龍秋風:於是你就把兩個多小時,都消耗在了這件事上,是這樣沒錯嗎? Charlie Long: Given the scale of the place and the number of houses, two hours was far from enough to see it all. //語氣修改。老狐狸助拳,不應該有明顯的質疑意味,要順著證人的路數說,讓她打消戒心。
馬思竹:當、當然了,有哪裡不對嗎? Jack Ma: Ye-yeah! Is there something… wrong?
雷冬雪:(她的說法,與我手中的證物,是否存在什麼矛盾呢?) Luna Lei: (Her statement seems to contradict a piece of evidence.)
雷冬雪:……證人。你的講解,我可以打斷一下嗎? Luna Lei: Excuse me, witness. I have a question. //開始認真起來了。改換稱呼。
馬思竹:哇哦!律師小姐,是有哪裡聽不明白嗎? Jack Ma: All riiiight! Ask away and your tour guide has all the answers you need!
雷冬雪:你剛剛聲稱,自己在B區流連忘返,因為那裡有“超多的古宅”,對嗎? Luna Lei: You just stated that Zone B of Haute-Tête Estate has "so many" houses that it would take you significantly more than two hours to see them all, correct?
馬思竹:哎?對、對呀? Jack Ma: Huh? R-right…?
雷冬雪:這張B區的登記表上顯示,整個區域,一共就只有三棟房子! Luna Lei: Please have a look at this security log of Zone B. It clearly says that there are only three houses in the entire zone!
雷冬雪:這到底是哪門子的“超多”,還需要你考察整整兩個多小時! Luna Lei: Are you suggesting that you spent two hours checking out three houses?
馬思竹:哎哎哎?竟然只有三棟嗎? Jack Ma: Whaaaaat? Only three?
雷冬雪:連這件事情你都不清楚,說明你根本沒有深入過小區! Luna Lei: You don't know, huh. The defense believe this witness has never seen the entirety of Zone B! //後半句是改換對象,對整個法庭說的。局部強化氣勢。
雷冬雪:證人,請正面回答我。 Luna Lei: Answer me honestly, witness.
雷冬雪:你逗留在小區內的兩個多小時,該不會一直在B-2的室內吧? Luna Lei: Of your entire stay in the community, did you or did you not enter Unit B-2?
馬思竹:哎哎哎哎哎——!!! Jack Ma: Eeeeeee!
陳默:怎、怎麼能這麼信口開河!讓老夫看看…… Arthur Chen: That is ridiculous! According to the records, Unit B-2 is…
陳默:距離小區大門最近的……哎、哎呀!就是B-2! Arthur Chen: Is… Oh, it's located right next to the zone entrance.
馬思竹:這、這…… Jack Ma: Um…
馬思竹:對……對不起!我……我的確是進去了啊! Jack Ma: Okay! I'm sorry! I did get into B-2, right?

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