Though few ever saw the frontlines of the countless wars that plagued their land´s surface, female dwarves have always played an important part in the development of the Dwarven society. Many advanced machines and weaponry were the product of these brave and brilliant scientists. But this is common knowledge for the common folk. There is another role they played that few have heard of.

Their ability on the battlefield is legendary and their finesse when gathering intel is unmatched. However, this is only part of their extensive skill set. They hold the secret of an ancient formula to create the most deadly and explosive gunpowder ever known. This dangerous knowledge is passed down from mothers to daughters through generations of Bombardiers.


If you are ever lucky enough to find yourself in the presence of a Bombardier, don't let her smile and friendly nature fool you. They’re all as trigger-happy and explosive as the mythic gunpowder they wield. .