
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-03-06 19:32:07 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language








《最终幻想16》是由Square Enix制作发行的一款,久负盛名的角色扮演游戏《最终幻想》系列的第16部正统续作。游戏是以系列游戏共同的神话故事为背景,并在此基础上自由创作出的独立故事。

Michael Deckert | 03/05/2023 – 11:49 am In Final Fantasy XVI, players will again be able to summon some giant creatures, the Eikons. Ifrit is supposed to play the leading role because the developers wanted to see him win. In the Final Fantasy series, summons are a big part. The huge, powerful creatures are usually announced with great staged cutscenes and initiate powerful attacks. The creatures have different names in the long series of games, such as Esper or Bestia. However, in the upcoming Final Fantasy XVI, they will be called Eikons. A creature often neglected by players will play the leading role in the next “Final Fantasy” part. The developers just felt sorry for the poor hellfire spirit Ifrit. “If you look at the older Final Fantasy parts, the first thing you always get is Ifrit,” says Naoki Yoshida. “You always use it first, then you learn better summons and never use it again. We really felt sorry for him. The worst has to be FFVIII where Ifrit is defeated by some students at the final exam and has to become their servant. I mean, it’s just too bad for him. It is time for his revenge.” In “Final Fantasy XVI”, the battles of the Eikons, who have to compete in the game against other powerful opponents, should all have their own theme. These should be about feel like a pro wrestling match or be inspired by animes and shows that the developers watched when they were kids. More Final Fantasy XVI news: “In Final Fantasy XVI we wanted [Ifrit] a chance to shine and be the most important, strongest, coolest looking summon out there. That’s why we brought him into play. Also, Ifrit will be remembered by many players who may have played Final Fantasy in their youth but haven’t visited the series recently. Because in the earlier games he was always one of the first creatures.” Quelle: GamerBraves More news about Final Fantasy XVI. Discuss this news on the PlayStation Forum Links to Amazon, Media Markt, Saturn and some other retailers are usually affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we receive a small commission that we can use to finance the free-to-use site. You have no disadvantages.

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