原神|美食英语稻妻篇~蟹黄壳壳烧 Crab Roe Kourayaki

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-06-11 17:16:38 作者:无眠英语ENG Language




Kourayaki こうらやき 甲羅焼

原神|美食英语稻妻篇~蟹黄壳壳烧 Crab Roe Kourayaki-第0张


A crab meat dish that has been cooked directly over the flames. The meat and roe are mixed evenly, before being garnished with plump crab legs. The happiness that flows forth from that first bite imparts meaning upon your prior forbearance.

garnish /ˈɡɑːrnɪʃ/ v. 装饰(尤指食物)

forbearance /fɔːrˈberəns/ n. 自制,忍耐;宽容


原神|美食英语稻妻篇~蟹黄壳壳烧 Crab Roe Kourayaki-第1张


A crab meat dish that has been cooked directly over the flames. The crushed shell-fragments and the crab roe have been slurried togetherButting your teeth up against those hard bits is one thing, but irrecoverable is any desire you may have had to enjoy the food.

slurried together 混合在一起

Butt /bʌt/ v. 用头(或角)顶,撞


原神|美食英语稻妻篇~蟹黄壳壳烧 Crab Roe Kourayaki-第2张


A crab meat dish that has been cooked directly over the flames. The crab meat still has a lovely scarlet shade, and its meat is tender and juicy. The crab roe has a refreshing aroma, and is rich and mellow to the taste. The sheer grace of this entity upon your tongue makes you start to wonder how the crab shell might taste.

mellow /ˈmeloʊ/ adj. (颜色或光线)柔和的,温暖的


原神|美食英语稻妻篇~蟹黄壳壳烧 Crab Roe Kourayaki-第3张


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