
3樓貓 發佈時間:2024-01-04 10:03:30 作者:愛喝輻射可樂的核子熊 Language


“冤種小票貂毛吹風機”定價錯誤: 從一開始就應該是850冤種幣。在接下來的48小時內, 凡以1100冤種幣購買該皮膚的人都將返還250冤種幣





原文:To me, once this meta developed, the game became less fun. It feels way too similar to overwatch with shield after shield getting leashed and revived. And if you don't do this, you can't compete in ranked. It's less about the options and paper, rock, scissors aspect. Instead just use these same few things. I was hoping people could develop other strategies and use "off meta"types of gadgets/weapons but they just arent viable right now. I'm hoping they can balance this stuff but I don't know how as the nature of the game will always lend itself to healing, revives, and having shields to protect the team (just like no matter how many nerfs Mercy got she was still a top pick). Unless you just make themcompletely useless, then we're full circle. It's drove me off unranked for now because I'm just tired of using the same kits and facing the same ones. I just miss the sillyness and seeing hammers and flamethrowers or revolvers. In unranked there's usually just one team playing the meta and they just tend to steamroll the other teams using random shit. Ends in first 2 cash outs a lot of the time. I guess I'm just whining and should be patient. I hope they can balance things so more is viable. I'd love to go into a game and NOT know what I'm going to face.


1.在競爭性 PvP 遊戲中,經常會出現“meta元素”,決定要使用的最有效的武器或類別。然而,《theFINALS》的一些玩家認為,當前的mate數據讓遊戲感覺與《鬥陣特攻》等其他遊戲過於相似,重複的策略掩蓋了遊戲的獨特元素。令人擔憂的是,這可能會導致陳舊且可預測的遊戲體驗,與最初吸引玩家的混亂和創新性質背道而馳


2.Reddit 用戶some_recluse引發了一場關於遊戲方向的討論,表示遊戲隨著特定元的出現而失去了吸引力。這種情緒引起了社區中許多人的共鳴,他們更喜歡意想不到的策略和多樣化的團隊組成占主導地位的遊戲環境。他們主張一種平衡,允許更全面的可行遊戲風格,保持遊戲的新鮮感和不可預測性


隨著總決賽的不斷發展,社區密切關注 Embark Studios 將如何解決這些問題。平衡遊戲以保持競爭完整性,同時培養創造力和多樣性並非易事。遊戲的相對新穎性意味著充足的開發和調整機會。許多玩家仍然希望,通過細心的平衡和更新,總決賽可以保留其動態的遊戲玩法並避免限制性meta的陷阱



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