
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-06-02 17:13:53 作者:雨夜 Language

发现精品那边的装备攻略不太完整,特此奉上!【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第1张

Slumber Vessel


A peculiar canister made of silver.It seems to be the root of the Scavengers'power, but you can't figure out how it works because the hollow cavity inside is empty. Nevertheless, it can still weaken the Marred.

【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第2张夜之拥

Night's Embrace


Enemies who are branded with the mark of the Sendril by Jerold will become Sendril enemies.




This perfect sphere that only exists in an ideal world is home to an ocean of shining stars. It is said that it existed before the time of the Colossus and the Sendril, and was a fragment left in this world after the shattering of the first wicked thoughts.

The sages of Samarosa never speak of this evil item, for it is a curse belonging to the previous reincarnation and is imprinted with the deepest fear…However, it is also the only way to maintain the humble civilisation.

A select minority of samarosian leaders also knew that the next reincarnation was inevitable. Thus they decided to stay away from each other and erase all traces of this dark secret to prolong the hard-earned peace.Ironically, everything around them turned to darkness due to this obsession.

【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第3张

Seal of the Pious


All Res increases greatly when HP is full.


A holy seal owned by the Church founder, it symbolizes he who spread the teachings of the Church. Thugh he sank to the bottom of the sea, his light shall never dim. He abided bt the muttered ancient wisdom, but still advanced toward his tragic fate. Of tragedy there is only one kind-that of a fallen hero.

【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第4张星环之坠

Halo Pendant


Resting at an Altar grants a Shield.Similar effects don't stack.


A pendant from the extremely tough exoskeletons of Sea Spider. Though the flesh is gone, it still exhibits a quick defensive reaction after being moistened with Soul River water, as if their life force is no longer trapped within the flesh.

【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第5张亨德尔骑士团徽记

Handel's Knights Emblem


A Handel's Knights emblem with a peculiar insignia. Handel's Knights were once extremely privileged as they had assisted the Church in finding Blessedland. They were insurmountable knights who led the way for the Church's gospel cause. In Blessedland, there were numerous legends about them, most of which were tales fabricated by the Church though…

【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第6张吞世之誓

World-Devourng Promise


Upon death, summon a Heggie where you stand to guard the broken bones you drop.



Only the chosen once will be able to reconnise the true existence of this Heggie-shaped gem.

In the long history of Solas, only certain ancient ancestors were able to enter the draem realm of the Heggie through meditating to their faith. It was there that they learned the bewildering truth of their consumption of reality. Alas, the emergence of the Siflers caused countless aspects of dreams to be pulled into reality, which weakened the Heggie by the day. Left with no other choice, they signed humiliating pacts with humans, Who they viewed as inferior,to regain the treasure the Siflers had twisted into reality and rebuild their strength so that they could rise again one day.

【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第7张堕落的圣徒之矛

Fallen Saint's Spear


Show damage value



After being contaminated with Sendril, the previously difficult-to-recognise emblem at its darkly glittering tip has long since disappeared.

The so-called Saints have all degenerated into fanaticism. The weak among them have lost their guidance and become mired in obsession. They have abandoned reason and become lost in the lies of their faith.

【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第8张蚀梦心茧

Cocoon of Deceit


This spiral shell-shaped ring enhances the perception of its wearer. Hatred is the driving force behind madness. To eliminate dissidents, the end justifies the means. As long as you can deceive yourself, everything will become a matter of course.
【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第9张固灵匣

Strong Spirit Casket


Defence increases greatly when HP is full.


The key element to making a Scavenger. The people of Ichthyosauria have collected the Obsessions of the dead and transformed them into powerful warriors through sacred rites in order to resist the ancient curse and protect Ichthyosauria.

Some Ichthyosaurians believe that these silent warriors retain the memories they had when they were alive, thus they are given a great deal of respect.

Apart from the dead, no one else can be a Scavenger, even those who voluntarily want to become one. This was an unalterable order Ebbinghaus gave to Guderian.

【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第10张混沌环绫

Chaos Slik


Reduces Stamina consumption when Dodging.



Silk sewed with special inscriptions. The only masterpiece made by the mysterious Lord Sifler. In tales, Lord Sifler wandered around the world with this covering as a cape, looting endless riches.

The countless treasures forged by Lord Sifler were hidden all over the world.But despite the great number of possessions, it remained restless and unsettled.

【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第11张逆流之轮

Wheel of Reversal


Jerold recovers Stamina when he makes an extreme evasion.


Created by the survivors of Ichthyosauria, this relic has been preserved with the energy relaesed at the time that fearsome sound was made. Only human with the special constitution of the Ichthyosaurian people can activate its true power to return to a proximate time and space.
【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第12张

附:笨钟大佬的全剧情装备强化&重铸一览帖【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第13张【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第14张【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第15张【雨夜】伊西索亚装备强化重铸一览帖|帕斯卡契约 - 第16张


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