原神|生日郵件英語(菲謝爾 5月27日)~命定之日…Day of Destiny...

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-05-30 11:59:22 作者:無眠英語ENG Language

原神|生日郵件英語(菲謝爾 5月27日)~命定之日…Day of Destiny...-第0張


On the day of a sacred star's descent from the depths of the night sky into this realm, I, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, have asked Oz to cross the ocean and bring, me exotic treasure.

Forsooth! The reddish petals and the lingering fragrance, as if the twilight is nigh, revealing the last rays of doom in its fiery embers.

Such treasure must be rare to come by in the mundane world!

But I, the Prinzessin, have already seen the world and possess countless treasures. I will bestow upon you this rare flower. Please continue to hold my name in high esteem!


On the day of a sacred star's descent from the depths of the night sky into this realm, I, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung, have asked Oz to cross the ocean and bring, me exotic treasure.

realm /relm/ n. <正式>王國


Forsooth! The reddish petals and the lingering fragrance, as if the twilight is nigh, revealing the last rays of doom in its fiery embers.

Such treasure must be rare to come by in the mundane world!

Forsooth /fərˈsuːθ/ adv. 真正,確實(常表示輕蔑、懷疑)

nigh  /naɪ/ adj. 接近的

come by 得到

mundane /mʌnˈdeɪn/ adj. 單調的,平凡的,平淡的;世俗的,塵世的


But I, the Prinzessin, have already seen the world and possess countless treasures. I will bestow upon you this rare flower. Please continue to hold my name in high esteem!

bestow upon 贈予


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