
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-12-13 09:08:18 作者:无眠英语ENG Language


A spirited and quirky young girl who is into all the things girls her age are interested in, such as taking photos.


*精灵古怪的 spirited and quirky。Something or someone that is quirky is odd or unpredictable in their appearance, character, or behaviour. (外貌、性格或行为) 古怪的; 难料的。暂时没感觉三月七古怪,就是精灵可爱还差不多。

*热衷于 be into。to be interested in sth in an active way 对…十分感兴趣;很喜欢

比如:He's into surfing in a big way. 他迷上了冲浪运动。

She was awakened from a piece of drifting eternal ice, only to find that she knows nothing about herself or her past. Though initially feeling dejected, she decided to name herself after the date of her rebirth.


*漂流的 drifting。

*恒冰 eternal ice。eternal,something that is eternal lasts forever。比如永葆青春 eternal youth。

*消沉 dejected。dejected: unhappy and disappointed 沮丧的;情绪低落的;垂头丧气的。

比如:She looked so dejected when she lost the game. 她输掉比赛时情绪显得非常低落。

And thus, on that day, March 7th was born.



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