《方舟生存进化》联机指令 联机服务器管理指令集_指令简介

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-05-08 10:45:59 作者:carlohan Language

  《方舟生存进化》自建服务器的童鞋可以使用很多Admin Server Commands服务器管理命令,下面小编为大家带来《方舟生存进化》联机服务器管理指令集,一起来看看吧。





  This guide contains information about Commandline Arguments for customizing your server as well as Singleplayer and Multiplayer Admin Commands.



  Server.exe TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=true?MapPlayerLocation=true

  ServerPVE: 关闭 PVP, 你不能杀死别人了.

  ServerHardcore: 死后清档.从LV1开始.

  ServerCrosshair: 开启准星

  ServerForceNoHUD: 禁用浮动的名字

  AltSaveDirectoryName: 保存服务器数据到另一个目录

  GlobalVoiceChat: 全服语音.所有人可以听到

  ProximityChat: 文字聊天只有附近玩家可见

  NoTributeDownloads: 不现实组外玩家

  AllowThirdPersonPlayer: 启用第三人称视角(需测试)

  AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft: 显示玩家离线信息

  DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined: 禁用玩家登录信息

  MapPlayerLocation: 显示你的地图的位置

  DifficultyOffset=0 to 1: 改变服务器难度 0 普通难度 1 3倍难度和更多掉落

《方舟生存进化》联机指令 联机服务器管理指令集_指令简介 - 第1张

  Server Launch CommandsThese commands need to be used as commandline arguments when launching the server. You can not activate them in-game.

  An example would be

  Server.exe TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=true?MapPlayerLocation=true

  ServerPVE: Disables PVP, you are not able to kill other players.

  ServerHardcore: When you die, your character is wiped to level 1.

  ServerCrosshair: Turns on a crosshair.

  ServerForceNoHUD: Disables the floating names.

  AltSaveDirectoryName: Saves server data to an alternate directory.

  GlobalVoiceChat: Voice chat is global, everyone can hear each other.

  ProximityChat: Text chat only appears to people that are close to one another.

  NoTributeDownloads: Turns off outside downloads of characters/dinos.

  AllowThirdPersonPlayer: Enables 3rd person mode (needs testing)

  AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft: Displays message when someone leaves the server.

  DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined: Disables message when someone joins the server.

  MapPlayerLocation: Shows your location on the map.

  DifficultyOffset=0 to 1: Changes the difficulty on the server, 0 being normal and 1 being x3 harder and more loot.


  按TAB进入服务器控制台,然后输入 enablecheats <adminpassword>


  enablecheats pass123


  Accessing Server Console & Logging In As AdminTo access the server console press tab and type in enablecheats <adminpassword>


  enablecheats pass123

  Can't open console? Check your keybinding in the game options, it should be default set to Tab

《方舟生存进化》联机指令 联机服务器管理指令集_指令简介 - 第2张

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