《上古卷軸5》控制檯代碼大全 上古卷軸5控制檯代碼怎麼用_鑰匙(7)

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-05-07 16:20:23 作者:肥兔R Language

  獨孤造箭者鑰匙(Key to Solitude Fletcher) c13e7

  獨孤燈塔鑰匙(Key to Solitude Lighthouse) c13f0

  獨孤鋸木廠鑰匙(Key to Solitude Sawmill) c13f6

  獨孤馬廄鑰匙(Key to Solitude Stables) c13f9

  索雲德的礦工之屋鑰匙(Key to Soljund’s Miner’s House) 6565a

  索莉之屋鑰匙(Key to Sorli’s House) 9e2a2

  斯提爾之屋鑰匙(Key to Styrr’s House) c13fc

  斯萬之屋鑰匙(Key to Sven’s House) 36a41

  喜兒雅之屋鑰匙(Key to Sylgja’s House) f18f9

  廢棄房屋鑰匙(Key to the Abandoned House) 65673

  死人之酒鑰匙(Key to the Dead Man’s Drink) c139e

  迪貝拉內部聖所鑰匙(Key to the Dibella Inner Sanctum) 656ee

  鬼婆的藥劑鑰匙(Key to the Hag’s Cure) 65678

  領主的長屋鑰匙(Key to the Jarl’s Longhouse) c13a9

  研缽和杵鑰匙(Key to The Mortar and Pestle) 9da31

  夜門客棧鑰匙(Key to the Nightgate Inn) 65658

  銀血客棧鑰匙(Key to the Silver-Blood Inn) 65670

  迪貝拉神廟鑰匙(Key to the Temple of Dibella) bd79c

  聖靈神殿鑰匙(Key to the Temple of the Divinves) c13ff

  風巒客棧鑰匙(Key to the Windpeak Inn) becde

  東尼爾之屋鑰匙(Key to Thonnir’s House) 9e299

  特萊魯斯之屋鑰匙(Key to Traillus’s House) 65659

  烏爾夫貝斯之屋鑰匙(Key to Ulfberth’s House) 93b10

  不屈者烏斯蓋德之屋鑰匙(Key to Uthgerd the Unbroken’s House) 93b11

  維多利亞·薇齊之屋鑰匙(Key to Vittoria Vici’s House) c1402

  林德爾大廳鑰匙(Key to Vlindrel Hall) 94391

  戰爭少女鑰匙(Key to Warmaiden’s) 93b12

  韋林的房間鑰匙(Key to Weylin’s Room) d66f9

  雪漫馬廄鑰匙(Key to Whiterun Stables) 93b0f

  眨眼雪鼠鑰匙(Key to Winking Skeever) c1405

  冬沙莊園鑰匙(Key to Wintersand Manor) 93b14

  伊索達爾之屋鑰匙(Key to Ysolda’s House) 93b13

  奧拉夫國王的金庫鑰匙(King Olaf’s Treasury Key) 62893

  克納魯斯·弗雷的鑰匙(Kornalus Frey’s Key) 8e5d1

  拉布林西安地穴鑰匙(Labyrinthian Crypt Key) 22896

  萊姆吉爾之屋鑰匙(Lemkil’s House Key) 9e133

  謊言者藏身處牢籠鑰匙(Liar’s Retreat Cage Key) 1e30d

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