
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-11-06 00:42:40 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



11月15日PS+服务二档/三档离库游戏:《贪婪之秋》《越野摩托 2021》《急速骑行4》《四海兄弟1》《四海兄弟2》《四海兄弟3》。


《四海兄弟》(Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven)是由捷克工作室Illusion Softworks制作的动作游戏,该作由20个大关卡及无数个小任务组成,内容包括恐吓、保护要人、抢夺货物、暗杀等等。


《贪婪之秋》是一款由Spiders制作,Focus Home Interactive发行的角色扮演游戏,游戏的背景设定在带有一丝魔幻的色彩的17世纪,画面上有一股浓浓的巴洛克艺术风格。在游戏中玩家们将会前往一个新的岛屿开启自己的旅程,与玩家同行的还有其他的开拓者、佣兵和淘金者,但这块陌生的土地受到了魔法的眷顾,传言这背后拥有着大量早已被遗忘的秘密。

Developer Foolish Mortals and publisher Klabater have announced that turn-based strategy RPG Kaiju Wars will be coming to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S on November 10. Originally released on PC back in April, Kaiju Wars is also getting a release on the Nintendo Switch, but there is no release date yet for the Switch version. Kaiju Wars puts players in the shoes of a military commander that has to command their armed forces to victory against an onslaught of attacks by various Kaiju. Inspired by classic Japanese Kaiju movies, Kaiju Wars features tongue-in-cheek writing that seeks to affectionately parody the cult classics of yore, and features five unique Kaiju to fight, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. Like the critically acclaimed Into the Breach, Kaiju Wars also places an emphasis on presenting all strategic information to the player before they have to make their moves. This means that players will be able to see where monsters are going and attacking, and there is little in the way of secrets that would mess up a player’s plans.

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